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Malthus, Darwin, and the Descent of Economics


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Confusion about overpopulation stems from the writings of Thomas Malthus in 1798. It was compounded by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace, both of whom made the Malthusian struggle for existence the basis of natural selection in the evolutionary process. Malthus argued, without evidence, that human population growth will continue unchecked until regulated by external factors such as hunger and disease. Darwin and Wallace cemented that idea into evolutionary theory. Recent evolutionary biologists have focused on gene frequency as a way to compare the reproductive success of one individual against another within the same species. However, among humans, the true basis of reproductive success is grounded in control of the resources necessary for survival. Humans sometimes adapt to environmental stress by having more children, not fewer, which means that poverty can cause population growth, not the reverse. Recognizing this simple relationship would have helped Darwin resolve a dilemma at the heart of his theory: his expectation that the most successful members of our species would have the most children, an idea contradicted by his observation of large, poor families among the Irish. The evolutionary puzzle can be solved by observing that providing equal access to land enables humans to limit their own fertility. The problem of equal access can be addressed by implementing Henry George's idea of taxing the value of land, thereby preventing hoarding and gross inequality of wealth.
机译:关于人口过剩的困惑源于1798年托马斯·马尔萨斯(Thomas Malthus)的著作。查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin)和阿尔弗雷德·罗素·华莱士(Alfred Russel Wallace)加剧了这两个问题,这两者使马尔萨斯式的生存斗争成为进化过程中自然选择的基础。马尔萨斯认为,没有证据表明,除非受到诸如饥饿和疾病之类的外部因素的控制,否则人口增长将继续受到抑制。达尔文和华莱士将这个想法巩固为进化论。最近的进化生物学家已将基因频率作为比较一个个体与同一物种中另一个个体繁殖成功率的一种方法。但是,在人类中,生殖成功的真正基础是控制生存所需的资源。人类有时会生育更多而不是更少的孩子,从而适应环境压力,这意味着贫困会导致人口增长,而不是相反。认识到这种简单的关系将有助于达尔文解决其理论核心的两难境地:他期望我们物种中最成功的成员将拥有最多的孩子,这一观点与他对爱尔兰众多贫困家庭的观察相矛盾。可以通过观察到提供平等的土地使用权来限制人类的生育能力来解决进化难题。可以通过实施亨利·乔治关于征税土地价值的思想来解决平等获得权的问题,从而防止ho积和财富的严重不平等。



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