首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Economics and Sociology >A Protestant Rethinking of Economics for a Healthier World

A Protestant Rethinking of Economics for a Healthier World


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Neoclassical economic theory delivered upon its promise. It showed how the liberation of markets from government constraints could bring about a rapid expansion in the production of consumer goods. That was a major accomplishment. However, it came with a price in terms of social fragmentation, economic inequality, and a planetary ecosystem that is now overwhelmed by human activity. Continuing to follow the course plotted by conventional economics is a path to disaster. The world needs alternatives. Marxism has been tried and found wanting in many respects, including its abysmal environmental record. This article offers help from an unlikely source: insights of Reformed Protestantism that can be traced back to John Calvin in the 16(th) century. Although Calvin and Calvinism are better known for a harsh view of human sinfulness, Calvin also contributed to the development of liberal democracies by advocating representative government, universal education, and greater participation by more people. Reformed theology emphasizes the importance of widespread participation in decisions, including economic decisions, at every level of society, and provides a positive role for institutions, including government, to protect the common good. It also points toward the need to situate economic policy in the larger domains of social and ecological health. Above all, it denies the validity of any economic system that deifies economics as such, and provides criteria for judging the effectiveness of economic systems as well as the evils of externalizing social and environmental costs in the name of a false efficiency.
机译:新古典经济学理论兑现了诺言。它显示了市场摆脱政府约束的方式如何能够迅速扩大消费品的生产。那是一项重大成就。然而,它带来了社会分裂,经济不平等以及如今人类活动不堪重负的行星生态系统的代价。继续遵循传统经济学所描绘的路线是通往灾难的道路。世界需要其他选择。马克思主义在许多方面都经过尝试和发现缺乏,包括其糟糕的环境记录。本文从一个不太可能的来源获得了帮助:改革宗新教义的见解可以追溯到16世纪的约翰·加尔文(John Calvin)。尽管加尔文和加尔文主义以对人的罪恶的严厉见解而广为人知,但加尔文还通过倡导代议制政府,普及教育以及更多人的更多参与,为自由民主制的发展做出了贡献。改革后的神学强调了在社会的各个层面广泛参与包括经济决策在内的决策的重要性,并为包括政府在内的机构在保护共同利益方面发挥了积极作用。它还指出有必要将经济政策置于更大范围的社会和生态健康领域。最重要的是,它否定了任何将经济学本身化为现实的经济系统的有效性,并为判断经济系统的有效性以及以虚假效率的名义将社会和环境成本外在化的弊端提供了标准。



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