首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Economics and Sociology >'The Inevitable Products of Racial Segregation': Multigenerational Consequences of Exclusionary Housing Policies on African Americans, 1910-1960

'The Inevitable Products of Racial Segregation': Multigenerational Consequences of Exclusionary Housing Policies on African Americans, 1910-1960


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From 1910 to 1960, whites fought viciously and persistently to prevent African Americans from living in decent housing in racially integrated neighborhoods. In 1910, Baltimore was the first city to adopt an ordinance banning African Americans from white neighborhoods. In part, this law was justified as a means to restrain the violent behavior of white citizens who might otherwise act as vigilantes against their black neighbors. Other cities followed suit. These racial zones were declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court. However, for 31 years this Court sanctioned the adoption of private restrictive covenants that were effective at blocking African Americans from buying or renting a house in a white neighborhood. In the 1930s, the insertion of racially restrictive covenants became both a protective mechanism and a prerequisite for federal mortgage lending, insurance, and guarantees by a variety of national housing agencies. In effect, the federal government enforced racial segregation even though local governments were not allowed to. The net effect of three decades of federal housing programs was to drive an economic wedge between federally subsidized housing for whites and federally enforced denial of housing loans in African American neighborhoods. Those policies made whites wealthy at the expense of African Americans, a condition that still persists and will continue to do so in the absence of federal intervention to reverse the wealth gap it helped to create.
机译:从1910年到1960年,白人进行了恶毒而持久的斗争,以防止非洲裔美国人居住在种族融合社区的体面房屋中。 1910年,巴尔的摩是第一个通过禁止白人聚居区的非洲裔美国人法令的城市。在某种程度上,该法律被认为是限制白人公民暴力行为的手段,而白人本来可以对黑人邻居充当警惕。其他城市也纷纷效仿。这些种族区被美国最高法院宣布为违宪。然而,在过去的31年中,该法院批准了采用私人限制性公约,这些公约有效地阻止了非裔美国人在白色社区中购买或租赁房屋。在1930年代,加入种族限制的盟约既成为保护机制,也是各种国家住房机构进行联邦抵押贷款,保险和担保的先决条件。实际上,即使不允许地方政府,联邦政府也实行种族隔离。三十年联邦住房计划的最终结果是,在联邦政府为白人提供的住房与联邦政府在非裔美国人社区中拒绝提供住房贷款之间产生经济差距。这些政策使白人致富,而牺牲了非洲裔美国人的利益,这种状况仍然存在,并且在没有联邦干预来扭转其造成的贫富差距的情况下,这种状况将继续存在。



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