首页> 外文期刊>The American economic review >Collusive Practices in Repeated English Auctions: Experimental Evidence on Bidding Rings

Collusive Practices in Repeated English Auctions: Experimental Evidence on Bidding Rings


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The repeated meeting of buyers at English auctions, where multiple units are sold, is a common occurrence. The art auctions at Sotheby's, Christie's, and other prestigious auction houses are attended by a regular group of institutional buyers. More mundanely, the same taxicab buyers meet at vehicle auctions for used police cars (Jon P. Nelson, 1995). Commission order buyers attend the same livestock and agricultural commodity auctions; these buyers may be agents for multiple meat processors (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration, 2001). The 1946 American Tobacco antitrust case [American Tobacco Co. et al. v. United States, 328 U.S. 781 (1946)] is a well-known account of how buyers of tobacco operated to hold down the price of auctioned leaf tobacco at various sites. Buyers for the big three cigarette manufacturers had developed facilitating practices that helped them purchase raw tobacco at relatively low prices. These buyers voluntarily restricted themselves to attend the same auctions; buyers were aware of the amount of leaf and the tobacco grades available at auction sites; they had instructions from the cigarette makers on the highest bid prices they could pay; and communication among these buyers seemed evident from a coordinated practice of buying low-grade tobacco that was not used by the makers.
机译:在英国拍卖会上,经常会出现买家多次会面的情况,即出售多个单位。苏富比,佳士得和其他著名拍卖行的艺术品拍卖都有定期的机构买家参加。更平凡的是,同一辆出租车的买主在二手警车的拍卖会上见面(乔恩·尼尔森,1995年)。委托订单购买者参加相同的牲畜和农产品拍卖;这些买家可能是多个肉类加工商的代理商(美国农业部谷物检验局,包装商和牲畜饲养场管理局,2001年)。 1946年的美国烟草反托拉斯案[American Tobacco Co.等。 v。United States,328 U.S. 781(1946)]是烟草购买者如何在不同地点压低拍卖烟叶价格的著名说法。三大卷烟制造商的购买者已经开发了便利做法,​​帮助他们以相对较低的价格购买了原烟。这些买家自愿限制自己参加相同的拍卖;买家知道拍卖现场可提供的烟叶数量和烟草等级;他们从卷烟制造商那里得到了关于他们可以支付的最高出价的指示。这些购买者之间的沟通似乎是通过协调购买低级烟草的做法而得到的,而这种低级烟草并未被制造商使用。



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