首页> 外文期刊>The American economic review >Will U.S. Agriculture Really Benefit from Global Warming? Accounting for Irrigation in the Hedonic Approach

Will U.S. Agriculture Really Benefit from Global Warming? Accounting for Irrigation in the Hedonic Approach


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There has been a lively debate about the potential impact of global climate change on U.S. agriculture. Most of the early agro-economic studies predicted large damages (see, for example, Richard M. Adams, 1989; Harry M. Kaiser et al., 1993; Adams et al., 1995). In an innovative paper Robert Mendelsohn, William D. Nordhaus and Daigee Shaw (1994), hereafter MNS, propose a new approach: using the variation in temperature and precipitation across U.S. counties to estimate a reduced-form hedonic equation with the value of farmland as the dependent variable. A change in temperature and/or precipitation is then associated with a change in farmland value, which can be interpreted as the impact of climate change. Adams et al. (1998) characterize the hedonic approach as a spatial analogue approach. They acknowledge that "the strength of the spatial analogue approach is that structural changes and farm responses are implicit in the analysis, freeing the analyst from the burden of estimating the effects of climate change on particular region-specific crops and farmer responses." One of the potential disadvantages, however, of the hedonic approach is that it is a partial equilibrium analysis, i.e., agricultural prices are assumed to remain constant.
机译:有关全球气候变化对美国农业的潜在影响的辩论一直很活跃。大部分早期的农业经济研究都预言了巨大的破坏(例如,参见理查德·M·亚当斯,1989;哈里·M·凯泽等人,1993;亚当斯等人,1995)。 MNS在其后的一篇创新论文中,Robert Mendelsohn,William D. Nordhaus和Daigee Shaw(1994)提出了一种新方法:利用美国各县的温度和降水量变化,以农田的价值估算简化形式的享乐方程。因变量。然后,温度和/或降水的变化与农田价值的变化有关,这可以解释为气候变化的影响。亚当斯等。 (1998)将享乐方法描述为空间模拟方法。他们承认,“空间模拟方法的优势在于分析中隐含了结构变化和农场反应,使分析人员免于估计气候变化对特定区域特定作物和农民反应的影响。”但是,享乐主义方法的潜在缺点之一是它是一种局部均衡分析,即假定农产品价格保持不变。



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