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The Cycle of Violence? An Empirical Analysis of Fatalities in the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict


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Thomas C. Schelling's The Strategy of Conflict (1960) laid the groundwork for thinking about conflicts as non-zaro-sum games, in which each side may choose to exercise or threaten violence in order to deter or incapacitate the opponent, or simply to exact revenge. It has been difficult, however, to test many of the predictions formulated by Schelling and others because of the lack of data on the strategic choices of the two sides engaged in a conflict, observed at a high enough frequency for statistical tests to have any power. This paper uses daily-frequency data to analyze the dynamics of violence during four years of the Second Intifada, the most recent outburst of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
机译:托马斯·谢林(Thomas C. Schelling)的《冲突战略》(1960)为将冲突视为非扎罗和式博弈奠定了基础,在这种博弈中,双方都可以选择行使或威胁使用暴力来威慑或使对手丧失能力,或者仅仅是复仇。然而,由于缺乏有关发生冲突的双方战略选择的数据,很难对谢林和其他人提出的许多预测进行检验,而对于统计检验而言,这种观察频率足够高。本文使用每日频率的数据来分析第二次起义期间四年的暴力动态,第二次起义是巴以冲突的最新爆发。



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