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From Communism to Capitalism: Private versus Public Property and Inequality in China and Russia


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Since 1980, many economies around the world have experienced two trends: rising aggregate private wealth-income ratio and increasing income inequality (Piketty and Zucman 2014; Piketty 2014). These trends have been particularly spectacular in China and Russia since their transitions from communism to more capitalist orientated economic systems (Piketty, Yang, and Zucman 2017; Novokmet, Piketty, and Zucman 2017). The transition to a mixed economy has taken different economic and political forms in China and Russia-with different privatization strategies for public assets, in particular. These different strategies have had a large impact on inequality and wealth ownership. In China, the transition has involved gradual but nevertheless wide-ranging reforms. The reforms were implemented progressively, from special economic zones in coastal cities toward inland provincial regions, and in sectoral waves. By contrast, Russia opted for a "big-bang" transition after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1990-1991, with a rapid transfer of public assets to the private sector and the hasty introduction of free market economic principles.
机译:自1980年以来,世界上许多经济体都经历了两种趋势:私人财富与收入之比不断上升,收入不平等加剧(Piketty和Zucman,2014年; Piketty,2014年)。自从共产主义向更加以资本主义为导向的经济体制过渡以来,这些趋势在中国和俄罗斯尤为壮观(Piketty,Yang和Zucman,2017年; Novokmet,Piketty和Zucman,2017年)。向混合经济的过渡在中国和俄罗斯采取了不同的经济和政治形式,尤其是对公共资产采取了不同的私有化策略。这些不同的策略对不平等和财富拥有产生了重大影响。在中国,转型涉及逐步但广泛的改革。从沿海城市的经济特区到内陆省份地区,以及部门浪潮,这些改革都是逐步实施的。相比之下,在1990年至1991年苏联解体后,俄罗斯选择了“大爆炸”过渡,将公共资产迅速转移到私营部门,并匆忙引入了自由市场经济原则。



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