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Near-Entropy Hotlink Assignments


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Consider a rooted tree T of arbitrary maximum degree d representing a collection of n web pages connected via a set of links, all reachable from a source home page represented by the root of T. Each web page i carries a probability p i representative of the frequency with which it is visited. By adding hotlinks—shortcuts from a node to one of its descendents—we wish to minimize the expected number of steps l needed to visit pages from the home page, expressed as a function of the entropy H(p) of the access probabilities p. This paper introduces several new strategies for effectively assigning hotlinks in a tree. For assigning exactly one hotlink per node, our method guarantees an upper bound on l of 1.141H(p)+1 if d>2 and 1.08H(p)+2/3 if d=2. We also present the first efficient general methods for assigning at most k hotlinks per node in trees of arbitrary maximum degree, achieving bounds on l of at most and , respectively. All our methods are strong, i.e., they provide the same guarantees on all subtrees after the assignment. We also present an algorithm implementing these methods in O(nlog n) time, an improvement over the previous O(n 2) time algorithms. Finally we prove a Ω(nlog n) lower bound on the running time of any strong method that guarantee an average access time strictly better than 2H(p).
机译:考虑任意最大程度d的根树T,它表示通过一组链接连接的n个网页的集合,所有这些网页都可以从以T的根表示的源主页访问。每个网页i携带概率p i 表示访问它的频率。通过添加热链接(从节点到其后代之一的快捷方式),我们希望最小化从首页访问页面所需的步骤l的预期数量,表示为访问概率p的熵H(p)的函数。本文介绍了几种在树中有效分配热链接的新策略。为了为每个节点精确分配一个热链路,我们的方法保证l的上限为1.141H(p)+1(如果d> 2)和1.08H(p)+2/3(如果d = 2)。我们还提出了第一种有效的通用方法,该方法用于在任意最大程度的树中为每个节点分配最多k个热链接,分别达到l和x的界限。我们所有的方法都很强大,即在分配后,它们在所有子树上提供相同的保证。我们还提出了一种在O(nlog n)时间实现这些方法的算法,这是对以前O(n 2 )时间算法的改进。最后,我们证明了任何能保证平均访问时间严格优于2H(p)的强大方法的运行时间的Ω(nlog n)下限。



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