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Reduced Ⅱ-112V order


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Total numbers of the new Ilyushin Ⅱ-112V light tactical transport aircraft for the Russian Air Force (RuAF) are to be reduced. The Russian state defence order programme initially called for 62 production-standard aircraft by 2020. It is expected that figure will be halved. The firm contract for a reduced number of Ⅱ-112Vs for the Russian MoD was expected to be signed by the middle of this year. The first production-standard aircraft are set for delivery to the Russian military in late 2018 or early 2019. Developed by the Ilyushin Aviation Complex, the Ⅱ-112V will be produced by the VASO company in Voronezh and are due to be introduced by the RuAF and the naval aviation air arm as an An-26 replacement. The Ⅱ-112V, which is expected to make its maiden flight in 2016, is powered by two Klimov TV7-117ST turboprops, giving it a cruise speed of up to 297kts (550km/h). Its maximum take-off weight will be 21 tonnes with a maximum payload of up to six tonnes. The range with maximum payload will be 540nm (1,000km), while reducing payload to two tonnes will extend range to 2,590nm (4,800km). Two prototype aircraft will be used in the test and evaluation phase.
机译:减少了用于俄罗斯空军(RuAF)的新型IlyushinⅡ-112V轻型战术运输机的总数。俄罗斯国防订单计划最初要求到2020年生产62架生产标准飞机。预计这一数字将减少一半。预计将在今年年中签订减少国防部Ⅱ-112V数量的固定合同。首架符合生产标准的飞机将于2018年末或2019年初交付给俄罗斯军方使用。Ⅱ-112V由伊留申航空综合体开发,将由沃罗涅日的VASO公司生产,并将由RuAF引进。和海军航空兵作为An-26的替代品Ⅱ-112V预计将在2016年进行首飞,它由两架Klimov TV7-117ST涡轮螺旋桨飞机提供动力,巡航速度高达297kts(550公里/小时)。它的最大起飞重量将为21吨,最大有效载荷为6吨。具有最大有效载荷的射程将为540nm(1,000公里),而将有效载荷减少至两吨将使射程扩大至2,590nm(4,800公里)。两架原型机将用于测试和评估阶段。



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