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Virgin Galactic to Use 747-400


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Virgin Galactic is to use Boeing 747-400 G-VWOW (c 32745) Cosmic Girl, transferred from sister company Virgin Atlantic Airways, as a carrier aircraft for its LauncherOne orbital launch vehicle that will carry small satellites into space. LauncherOne will be mounted to the 747 under the left wing and be released at an altitude of approximately 35,000ft. The vehicle will fire its 73,500lbf (326kN) rocket engine called NewtonThree, which is powered by RP-1 fuel and liquid oxygen (LOX). After stage separation, the 5,000lbf-rated (22kN) LOX/RP-1 NewtonFour will carry the satellite payload into orbit. Virgin Galactic said there are several qualities that make the 747 ideal for the role: a large rocket-carrying capacity, suitability for operations in many kinds of weather, existing 747-400 experience in the Virgin Group, established maintenance and supply chains, and the ability to operate from any runway capable of handling 747s. Initial inspections on Cosmic Girl have already been completed and modifications for the role will be carried out following a scheduled check by MRO specialist VT San Antonio Aerospace.
机译:维珍银河公司将使用从姊妹公司维珍大西洋航空公司转移来的波音747-400 G-VWOW(c / n 32745)Cosmic Girl作为运载火箭,将其运载小卫星送入太空的LauncherOne轨道运载火箭。 LauncherOne将安装在左翼下方的747上,并在约35,000英尺的高度被释放。该车将发射名为牛顿三号(NewtonThree)的73,500lbf(326kN)火箭发动机,该发动机由RP-1燃料和液氧(LOX)供电。在阶段分离之后,额定载荷为5,000lbf(22kN)的LOX / RP-1 NewtonFour将把卫星有效载荷送入轨道。维珍银河公司表示,有多种品质使747成为理想的角色:运载火箭的能力强,适合多种天气运行,维珍集团现有的747-400经验,已建立的维护和供应链以及在任何能够处理747的跑道上运行的能力。 MRO专家VT San Antonio Aerospace计划检查之后,已经完成了对Cosmic Girl的初步检查,并将对该角色进行修改。



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