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NH_3 Volatilization from Aboveground Plants of Winter Wheat During Late Growing Stages


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Ammonia volatilized from aboveground parts of winter wheat was collected with an enclosure growth chamber and measured from jointing to maturing stage. The results showed that ammonia released from unfertilized plants grown in high and low fertility soils remained at low rates of 2.3 and 0.9 μg NH_3 40 plant~(-1) h~(-1) respectively at late filling stage. However, fertilized plants rapidly increased the rates to 43.4 and 52.2 μg NH_3 40 plant~(-1) h~(-1) in the high and low fertility soils, respectively, at the same period. The released a-mount was different in different parts of plants. At filling stage, lower senescing stems and leaves volatilized more ammonia than upper parts, i. e., ears and flag leaves that grew normally, with an average of 1.4 and 0.7 μg NH_3 20 plant~(-1) h~(-1) respectively, strongly suggesting that it was the senile organs that released large amounts of ammonia. At the grain filling stage, shortage of water supply (drought stress) reduced ammonia volatilization. The average rate of ammonia released under water stress was 0.9 μg NH_3 40 plant~(-1) h~(-1), but 1.2 μg NH_3 40 plant~(-1) h~(-1) with moderate water supply. Application of N together with P fertilizer resulted in a higher ammonia volatilization than N fertilization alone at the maturing stage. The average rate released was 135.3 μg NH_3 40 plant~(-1) h~(-1) when 0.4 g N and 0.13 g P had been added to per kg soil, while 33.7 μg when 0.4 g N added alone. Ammonia volatilization from plants was closely related with plant biomass and N uptake; P fertilization increased plant biomass and N uptake and therefore increased its release.
机译:使用封闭式生长室收集从冬小麦地上部分挥发的氨,并测量从拔节到成熟期的氨气。结果表明,在高肥力土壤和低肥力土壤中生长的未受精植物释放的氨在灌浆后期分别保持在2.3和0.9μgNH_3 40植株〜(-1)h〜(-1)较低的速率。然而,在高肥力土壤和低肥力土壤中,施肥的植物使NH_3 40植株〜(-1)h〜(-1)的速率分别迅速增加到43.4和52.2μg。植物的不同部分释放的量不同。在灌浆阶段,较低的茎秆和叶片挥发的氨比上部的多,即例如,耳朵和旗叶正常生长,平均分别为1.4和0.7μgNH_3 20植物〜(-1)h〜(-1),强烈表明是衰老的器官释放了大量的氨。在籽粒灌浆阶段,供水不足(干旱胁迫)减少了氨气的挥发。水分胁迫下氨的平均释放速率为0.9μgNH_3 40植株〜(-1)h〜(-1),但供水适度时为1.2μgNH_3 40植株〜(-1)h〜(-1)。与成熟期单独施用氮肥相比,氮肥与磷肥一起施用会导致更高的氨挥发。当向每公斤土壤中添加0.4 g N和0.13 g P时,平均释放速率为135.3μgNH_3 40植株〜(-1)h〜(-1),而单独添加0.4 g N时的平均释放速率为33.7μg。植物中氨的挥发与植物生物量和氮的吸收密切相关。施磷增加了植物生物量和氮的吸收,因此增加了其释放。



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