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Active Euthanasia and Physician-assisted Suicide in Dutch Nursing Homes: Patients' Characteristics


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We wished to obtain information about the principal and subsidiary diagnoses, sex, age, marital status, religion and background characteristics of Dutch nursing home patients to whom euthanasia/assisted suicide (EAS) was administered. We performed an exploratory, descriptive, retrospective study involving all Dutch nursing home physicians (NHPs) who in September 1990 were members of the Dutch Association of Nursing Home Physicians (NVVA; n = 713). An anonymous printed questionnaire in two parts was used. Part 1 was intended for all respondents and was expected to give insight into the nature and extent of EAS in Dutch nursing homes. Part 2 was intended only for respondents who had indicated in part 1 that they had administered EAS. They were asked to describe their last case of EAS. The study covered the period from 1986 to mid-1990. There was an 86% response. The respondents described 86 cases of EAS. Sixty-nine of these took place in a nursing home. The majority of patients to whom EAS was administered were suffering from a malignant neoplasm (53%). EAS was administered more often to men than to women. The average age of the patients was 70.9 years. When EAS was administered, the patients on average had been in the nursing home for 13.1 months. Dutch nursing home patients who were given EAS differed in various respects from 'the average nursing home patient'. The principal diagnosis for patients who were given EAS was a malignancy, whereas relatively few physically ill nursing home patients die as a result of a malignancy. The patients to whom EAS was administered were younger and more often male. EAS patients had been in the nursing home for a shorter time than the other somatic (physically disabled) patients who died during the study period.
机译:我们希望获得有关实施安乐死/辅助自杀(EAS)的荷兰养老院患者的主要和辅助诊断,性别,年龄,婚姻状况,宗教信仰和背景特征的信息。我们进行了一项探索性,描述性,回顾性研究,涉及所有荷兰疗养院医师(NHP),他们在1990年9月是荷兰疗养院医师协会(NVVA; n = 713)的成员。使用匿名打印的问卷,分为两部分。第1部分适用于所有受访者,并有望深入了解荷兰养老院中EAS的性质和程度。第2部分仅适用于在第1部分中表示已实施EAS的受访者。他们被要求描述他们最近一次的EAS病例。该研究涵盖了从1986年到1990年中期的时期。回应率为86%。受访者描述了86例EAS。其中有69例发生在养老院。接受EAS治疗的大多数患者患有恶性肿瘤(53%)。男性比女性更常使用EAS。患者的平均年龄为70.9岁。使用EAS时,患者平均在疗养院呆了13.1个月。接受EAS治疗的荷兰养老院患者与“普通养老院患者”在各个方面有所不同。接受EAS治疗的患者的主要诊断是恶性肿瘤,而因恶性肿瘤而死亡的身体不适的疗养院患者相对较少。接受EAS治疗的患者年龄较小,男性较多。与在研究期间死亡的其他躯体(身体残疾)患者相比,EAS患者在疗养院中的停留时间短。



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