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The Prognostic Significance of Protein-energy Malnutrition in Geriatric Patients


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Although it has been shown that protein-energy malnutrition is a predictor of adverse outcome in geriatric patients, it is unclear whether this is due to underlying disease or disability, or whether malnutrition is an independent outcome predictor. To clarify the predictive role of malnutrition, we analysed the 4.5-year mortality and living location follow-ups of 219 geriatric patients admitted to a geriatric assessment unit. Prevalence of anthropometric and serological malnutrition indicators were between 13.7% and 39.8% at hospital admission. In bivariate models, prealbumin, subnormal arm muscle area, and subnormal body weight were predictors of mortality and survival at home. On the other hand, albumin, transferrin, and triceps skin-fold thickness did not predict these outcomes. In multivariate models the hazard ratio (HR) of 4.5-year mortality remained significant with an HR of 1.8 (95% CI 1.3-2.6) for subnormal arm muscle area, and 1.6 (95% CI 1.0—2.6) for subnormal body weight. Prealbumin was the strongest serological outcome predictor (multivariate mortality HR 1.9, 95% CI, 1.3-2.8). In these models, subnormal cognitive function, impaired physical function, and creatinine clearance < 30ml/min were also associated with increased mortality. Malnutrition did not predict hospital discharge location, but among patients discharged home, those with initial malnutrition had a decreased length of survival at home. Our findings indicate that certain protein-energy malnutrition indicators are independent risk factors predicting decreased length of overall survival and survival at home in geriatric patients. Physicians should screen actively for this often unrecognized problem and initiate appropriate treatment strategies.
机译:尽管已经证明蛋白质能量营养不良是老年患者不良结局的预测指标,但尚不清楚这是由于潜在疾病还是残疾,还是营养不良是独立的预测指标。为了阐明营养不良的预测作用,我们分析了219名老年患者进入老年评估单元的4.5年死亡率和生活地点随访情况。入院时人体测量学和血清学营养不良指标的患病率在13.7%至39.8%之间。在双变量模型中,白蛋白前,臂下肌肉面积不足和体重低于正常体重是家庭死亡率和生存率的预测指标。另一方面,白蛋白,转铁蛋白和三头肌的皮肤折叠厚度不能预测这些结果。在多变量模型中,4.5年死亡率的危险比(HR)仍然很显着,低于正常体重的手臂区域的HR为1.8(95%CI 1.3-2.6),低于正常体重的HR为1.6(95%CI 1.0-2.6)。前白蛋白是最强的血清学结果预测指标(多变量死亡率HR 1.9,95%CI,1.3-2.8)。在这些模型中,认知功能不正常,身体功能受损和肌酐清除率<30ml / min也与死亡率增加相关。营养不良并不能预测出院的地点,但是在出院回家的患者中,最初营养不良的患者在家中的生存时间会缩短。我们的研究结果表明,某些蛋白质能量营养不良指标是独立的危险因素,可预测总体生存时间的减少以及老年患者在家中的生存时间。医师应积极筛查通常无法识别的问题,并采取适当的治疗策略。



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