首页> 外文期刊>Age and Ageing >Age-associated Alterations in Thirst and Arginine Vasopressin in Response to a Water or Sodium Load

Age-associated Alterations in Thirst and Arginine Vasopressin in Response to a Water or Sodium Load


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We have examined simultaneous changes in thirst, plasma osmolality and arginine vasopressin, after oral water loading or hypertonic saline infusion. The studies were carried out in the same subjects, comprising young controls aged 26.8 years (SD 4.8, n = 10) and health status-defined elderly people aged 72.1 years (SD 3.1, n=10). Water loading caused significant falls in plasma osmolality (p < 0.001) and thirst (p < 0.001), but there was no variation with age. Infusion with 462 mmol/l of sodium chloride increased plasma osmolality significantly (p < 0.001), but there was no variation with age (p = 0.12). The perception of thirst during the osmotic loading experiment was recorded differently by the two age groups (p < 0.0001). However, linear regression analysis showed no age difference in the relationship between thirst and plasma osmolality during osmotic loading. During osmotic loading the relationship between the plasma concentration of arginine vasopressin in response to increasing plasma osmolality varied significantly (slope: p = 0.02; intercept: p = 0.02). Plasma arginine vasopressin rose more rapidly with increasing plasma osmolality in old subjects.
机译:我们检查了口服水或高渗盐水输注后口渴,血浆渗透压和精氨酸加压素的同时变化。该研究在同一主题下进行,包括年龄为26.8岁(SD 4.8,n = 10)的年轻对照和健康状况明确的72.1岁(SD 3.1,n = 10)的老年人。水分负荷导致血浆渗透压(p <0.001)和口渴(p <0.001)显着下降,但没有随年龄变化。注入462 mmol / l的氯化钠可显着提高血浆渗透压(p <0.001),但没有随年龄的变化(p = 0.12)。在两个年龄组中,渗透负荷试验期间的口渴感有所不同(p <0.0001)。然而,线性回归分析表明在渗透负荷期间口渴与血浆渗透压之间的关系没有年龄差异。在渗透负荷期间,随着血浆渗透压的升高,精氨酸加压素的血浆浓度之间的关系发生了显着变化(斜率:p = 0.02;截距:p = 0.02)。随着老年患者血浆渗透压的升高,血浆精氨酸加压素的上升更快。



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