首页> 外文期刊>Age and Ageing >Are Elderly Asians in Britain at a High Risk of Vitamin D Deficiency and Osteomalacia?

Are Elderly Asians in Britain at a High Risk of Vitamin D Deficiency and Osteomalacia?


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Many studies have shown the indigenous elderly population and Asian immigrants to be groups at particular risk of vitamin D deficiency and osteomalacia, but there are no data on the risks in elderly Asians. In this community-based study a group of elderly Asians was compared with control groups of elderly and young whites and young Asians. Levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D_3 (25-OHD_3) were significantly lower (p < 0.0001) in elderly Asians (21/37) and young Asians (7/17) compared with white controls. The difference in parathyroid hormone (PTH) between Asians and whites was also significant (p < 0.0007) as was that between young and old (p < 0.0002). Abnormal PTH and 25-OHD_3 (high PTH and low 25-OHD_3), indicative of a high risk of osteomalacia, occurred in 22% of elderly Asians compared with 6% of elderly whites. The calcium, phosphate and alkaline phosphatase were normal in all individuals. Among the Asians, vegetarianism was not related to lower 25-OHD_3 levels. Symptoms suggestive of osteomalacia were more common (p < 0.05) in elderly Asians than in their white counterparts. This first study of 25-OHD_3 levels in community-resident elderly Asians suggests that more than half were low, placing them at a significantly higher risk of osteomalacia.
机译:许多研究表明,土著老年人和亚洲移民属于特别容易遭受维生素D缺乏症和骨软化症风险的人群,但没有关于老年人中老年人风险的数据。在这项基于社区的研究中,将一组老年人亚洲人与对照组的老年人和年轻人,白人以及亚洲年轻人进行了比较。与白人对照组相比,亚洲老年人(21/37)和年轻人(7/17)中的25-羟基维生素D_3(25-OHD_3)水平显着降低(p <0.0001)。亚洲人和白人之间的甲状旁腺激素(PTH)的差异也很显着(p <0.0007),年轻人和老年人之间的差异(p <0.0002)。亚洲老年人中22%的人发生PTH和25-OHD_3异常(高PTH而25-OHD_3较低),提示发生骨软化症的风险较高,而白人则为6%。所有个体的钙,磷酸和碱性磷酸酶均正常。在亚洲人中,素食主义与较低的25-OHD_3水平无关。提示骨软化症的症状在亚裔老年人中比在白人中更为常见(p <0.05)。这项针对社区居民中老年人的25-OHD_3水平的首次研究表明,一半以上的人处于低水平,这使他们患骨软化症的风险明显更高。



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