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A Community Survey of Ptosis of the Eyelid and Pupil Size of Elderly People


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A randomly selected, age-stratified sample of subjects 50 years of age and older, living in the Salford Health District area of Greater Manchester was drawn from the age-sex register of a four-doctor group practice and invited by post to enter a study of ptosis. Of 851 subjects approached, 499 (59%) replied. Of these, 99 refused to participate. The remaining 400 were visited at home and underwent a standardized protocol of ophthalmic history, and examination including a photograph of the eyes in the primary position. Forty-six (11.5%) of the subjects had ptosis and its prevalence increased with age. Ptosis was bilateral in 18 (39%) and unilateral in 28 (61%). In all but four cases, the ptosis was acquired. The cause was evident in 23 (50%), with 11 cases being due to mechanical ptosis and 12 to aponeurotic disinsertion secondary to a known pathology. A further 22 cases had primary aponeurotic disinsertion and there was one case of probable myasthenia gravis. The prevalence of pupillary diameter of 1 mm or less increased significantly with age.
机译:居住在大曼彻斯特索尔福德健康区地区的年龄在50岁以上的受试者的年龄,年龄,年龄进行了随机选择,并从四位医生的年龄性别登记册中抽取,并邀请其参加研究。下垂。在851名受试者中,有499名(59%)回答。其中,有99名拒绝参加。其余的400人在家中接受了检查,并接受了标准化的眼科病历记录,并进行了检查,包括在主要位置的眼睛照片。 46名受试者(11.5%)患有上睑下垂,其患病率随年龄增长而增加。眼睑下垂是双侧的(18%)(39%)和单侧的(28%)(61%)。除四例外,均获得上睑下垂。原因很明显,有23例(50%),其中11例归因于机械性上睑下垂,而12例归因于已知病理继发的腱膜破裂。另有22例原发性腱膜炎,其中1例可能是重症肌无力。 1mm或更小的瞳孔直径的患病率随着年龄的增长而显着增加。



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