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Introducing Greg Henderson, SAE President for 2006

机译:2006年SAE总裁Greg Henderson简介

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Despite making a name for himself in the aerospace field, Greg Henderson's head is not strictly in the clouds. While most of his days are spent with airplanes as Director of Weight Management and Control at Lockheed Martin, racing fast cars and finely tuned yachts are activities that take up a good portion of his nights and weekends. His passion for air, ground, and marine vehicles will never be more useful than in 2006, while he serves as SAE President. "I have a fascination with mobility on all fronts," said Henderson, whose hobbies include restoring classic muscle cars and working around the yard with his 45-hp (34-kW) diesel tractor. He is cur- rently restoring a 1966 Ford Fairlane with a 427 engine that he expects to produce close to 950 hp (709 kW). If you visit his office at work you will find framed pictures of WWII fighter aircraft strategically placed around the room. "With varied levels of experience in all three of the major sectors of SAE, that's an experience basis that I can count on to help me engage productively in the coming year," he said.
机译:尽管格雷格·亨德森(Greg Henderson)在航空航天领域声名大噪,但他的头脑并不严格。尽管他大部分时间都是在洛克希德·马丁公司担任重量管理和控制总监的工作,但赛车和精调游艇是他晚上和周末大部分时间的活动。当他担任SAE总裁时,他对空中,地面和海上车辆的热情将比2006年更加有用。亨德森说:“我对各个方面的机动性都着迷。”亨德森的爱好包括恢复经典的肌肉车,并使用45马力(34千瓦)柴油拖拉机在院子里工作。他目前正在用427发动机恢复1966年的福特Fairlane,他预计将产生接近950 hp(709 kW)的功率。如果您在工作时访问他的办公室,您会发现战略性地摆放在房间周围的二战战机的相框图片。他说:“在SAE的所有三个主要领域拥有不同水平的经验,这是我可以依靠的经验基础,可以帮助我在来年提高生产效率。”



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