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Review of Airport Surface Movement Radar Technology


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Runway incursion is defined by the FAA as "any occurrence at an airport involving an aircraft, vehicle, person or object on the ground that creates collision hazard or results in a loss of separation with an aircraft taking off, intending to take off, landing or intending to land." A summary of how severe this problem is can be found in a 2001 hearing before the Subcommittee on Aviation. Surface movement radar (SMR) technology has evolved over the years as part of an effort to mitigate runway incursion risks and enhance airport capacity. Surface movement surveillance systems of various types have been installed in major airports as early as the 1960s, and have kept evolving. The most recent system currently being deployed in the US by the FAA is the airport surface movement detection equipment model X (ASDE-X) system. In this system, unlike previous systems, the surface movement radar is just one of several sensors that are used in addition to transponder multilateration and GPS-based position reports, referred to as automatic dependent surveillance - broadcast or ADS-B; however, the SMR is a key subsystem. This paper contains an overview of the state-of-the-art SMR technology and provides an introduction on the use of radar technology for this commercial application. It focuses on the architecture, characteristics and technology of the radar sensor, the characteristics of the clutter and how it affects the performance, effects of multipath, automatic detection and comparison of several sensor architectures. Sensis Corporation has recently completed the testing of a new, improved SMR, which is now part of ASDE-X system. This paper summarizes the main features of this radar
机译:FAA将跑道侵入定义为“在机场发生的涉及飞机,车辆,人或物体在地面上的任何事件,它会造成碰撞危险或导致与飞机起降,打算起降,降落或打算降落。”可以在航空小组委员会2001年的一次听证会上找到该问题严重程度的摘要。多年来,水面运动雷达(SMR)技术得到了发展,这是减轻跑道侵入风险和增强机场容量的一项努力。早在1960年代,各种类型的地面运动监视系统就已安装在主要机场中,并且一直在不断发展。美国联邦航空局目前在美国部署的最新系统是X型飞机地面运动检测设备(ASDE-X)。在该系统中,与以前的系统不同,表面运动雷达只是应答器多点定位和基于GPS的位置报告(被称为自动相关监视-广播或ADS-B)之外还使用的几种传感器之一。但是,SMR是关键子系统。本文概述了最新的SMR技术,并介绍了在此商业应用中使用雷达技术的情况。它着重于雷达传感器的体系结构,特性和技术,杂波的特性以及它如何影响性能,多径效应,自动检测以及几种传感器体系结构的比较。 Sensis Corporation最近完成了对新的改进SMR的测试,该SMR现在已成为ASDE-X系统的一部分。本文总结了该雷达的主要特点



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