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Acquiring Causal Knowledge from Text Using the Connective Marker tame


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In this paper, we deal with automatic knowledge acquisition from text, specifically the acquisition of causal relations. A causal relation is the relation existing between two events such that one event causes (or enables) the other event, such as "hard rain causes flooding" or "taking a train requires buying a ticket." In previous work these relations have been classified into several types based on a variety of points of view. In this work, we consider four types of causal relations—cause, effect, precond(ition) and means—mainly based on agents' volitionality, as proposed in the research field of discourse understanding. The idea behind knowledge acquisition is to use resultative connective markers, such as "because," "but," and "if as linguistic cues. However, there is no guarantee that a given connective marker always signals the same type of causal relation. Therefore, we need to create a computational model that is able to classify samples according to the causal relation. To examine how accurately we can automatically acquire causal knowledge, we attempted an experiment using Japanese newspaper articles, focusing on the resultative connective "tame." By using machine-learning techniques, we achieved 80% recall with over 95% precision for the cause, precond, and means relations, and 30% recall with 90% precision for the effect relation. Furthermore, the classification results suggest that one can expect to acquire over 27,000 instances of causal relations from 1 year of Japanese newspaper articles.
机译:在本文中,我们处理从文本自动获取知识,特别是因果关系的获取。因果关系是两个事件之间存在的关系,因此一个事件导致(或启用)另一事件,例如“大雨导致洪水”或“乘火车需要买票”。在以前的工作中,根据各种观点将这些关系分为几种类型。在这项工作中,我们考虑了话语理解研究领域中提出的四种因果关系类型,即因果,影响,先决条件和手段,主要基于主体的意愿。知识获取背后的想法是使用结果性连接标记,例如“ because”,“ but”和“ if”作为语言提示。但是,不能保证给定的连接标记总是表示相同类型的因果关系。 ,我们需要创建一个能够根据因果关系对样本进行分类的计算模型,为了检验能够自动准确获取因果知识的准确性,我们尝试了一项针对日本报纸文章的实验,重点是结果性连词“ tame”。使用机器学习技术,我们在原因,先决条件和均值之间的准确率达到了95%,召回率达到了80%,在效果关系上的准确率达到了90%,召回率达到了30%,此外,分类结果表明我们可以期望从1年的日本报纸文章中获得了27,000个因果关系实例。



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