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Collaborative Filtering beyond the User-Item Matrix: A Survey of the State of the Art and Future Challenges


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Over the past two decades, a large amount of research effort has been devoted to developing algorithms that generate recommendations. The resulting research progress has established the importance of the user-item (U-I) matrix, which encodes the individual preferences of users for items in a collection, for recommender systems. The U-I matrix provides the basis for collaborative filtering (CF) techniques, the dominant framework for recommender systems. Currently, new recommendation scenarios are emerging that offer promising new information that goes beyond the U-I matrix. This information can be divided into two categories related to its source: rich side information concerning users and items, and interaction information associated with the interplay of users and items. In this survey, we summarize and analyze recommendation scenarios involving information sources and the CF algorithms that have been recently developed to address them. We provide a comprehensive introduction to a large body of research, more than 200 key references, with the aim of supporting the further development of recommender systems exploiting information beyond the U-I matrix. On the basis of this material, we identify and discuss what we see as the central challenges lying ahead for recommender system technology, both in terms of extensions of existing techniques as well as of the integration of techniques and technologies drawn from other research areas.
机译:在过去的二十年中,大量的研究工作致力于开发可产生建议的算法。由此产生的研究进展已经确立了用户项目(U-I)矩阵的重要性,该矩阵对推荐者系统中用户对集合中项目的个人偏好进行编码。 U-I矩阵为协作过滤(CF)技术(推荐系统的主要框架)提供了基础。当前,新的推荐场景正在出现,它们提供了超越U-I矩阵的有希望的新信息。该信息可以分为与其来源相关的两类:与用户和项目有关的丰富方面信息,以及与用户和项目之间的相互作用有关的交互信息。在本次调查中,我们总结并分析了涉及信息源和最近为解决这些问题而开发的CF算法的推荐方案。我们为大量研究提供了全面的介绍,提供了200多个主要参考文献,旨在支持进一步开发利用U-I矩阵之外的信息的推荐系统。在此材料的基础上,我们确定并讨论了推荐系统技术面临的主要挑战,无论是对现有技术的扩展,还是对来自其他研究领域的技术与技术的整合。



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