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An innovative piston corer for large‐volume sediment samples




Coring is one of several standard procedures to extract sediments and their faunas from open marine, estuarine, and limnic environments. Achieving sufficiently deep penetration, obtaining large sediment volumes in single deployments, and avoiding sediment loss upon retrieval remain problematic. We developed a piston corer with a diameter of 16 cm that enables penetration down to 1.5 m in a broad range of soft bottom types, yields sufficient material for multiple analyses, and prevents sediment loss due to a specially designed hydraulic core catcher. A novel extrusion system enables very precise slicing and preserves the original sediment stratification by keeping the liners upright. The corer has moderate purchase costs and a robust and simple design that allows for a deployment from relatively small vessels as available at most marine science institutions. It can easily be operated by two to three researchers rather than by specially trained technicians. In the northern Adriatic Sea, the corer successfully extracted more than 50 cores from a range of fine mud to coarse sand, at water depths from three to 45 m. The initial evaluation of the cores demonstrated their usefulness for fauna sequences along with heavy metal, nutrient and pollutant analyses. Their length is particularly suited for historical ecological work requiring sedimentary and faunal sequences to reconstruct benthic communities over the last millennia.
机译:取芯是从开放的海洋,河口和河床环境中提取沉积物及其动物群的几种标准程序之一。实现足够的深度渗透,在一次部署中获得大量的沉积物以及避免在回收时沉积物的流失仍然是个问题。我们开发了一种直径为16 cm的活塞式取芯器,该活塞取芯器可以在各种软底类型中渗透至1.5 m,并为多种分析提供足够的材料,并通过专门设计的液压取芯器防止沉积物的流失。新颖的挤出系统可实现非常精确的切片,并通过保持衬板垂直而保留原始的沉积物分层。该corer具有适中的购买成本,并且坚固耐用且设计简单,可以从大多数海洋科学机构中可用的相对较小的船只进行部署。它可以由两到三个研究人员轻松操作,而不是由经过专门培训的技术人员操作。在亚得里亚海北部,取芯器成功地从3到45 m的水深范围内,从各种细泥到粗砂中提取了50多个岩心。核心的初步评估证明了它们对动物区系以及重金属,养分和污染物分析的有用性。它们的长度特别适合历史生态工作,这些工作需要沉积和动物序列来重建过去一千年的底栖生物群落。



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