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Human Monkeypox: Current State of Knowledge and Implications for the Future




The zoonosis human monkeypox (MPX) was discovered in 1970, twelve years after the discovery of monkeypox virus (MPXV) in a Danish laboratory in 1958. Historically confined to West Africa (WA) and the Congo basin (CB), new epidemics in Sudan and the United States of America (USA) have fuelled new research highlighting environmental factors contributing to the expanded geographical spread of monkeypox virus (MPXV). A systematic literature review was conducted in MEDLINE® (Ovid), MEDLINE® (PubMed) and Google Scholar databases using the search terms: monkeypox, MPXV and “human monkeypox”. The literature revealed MPX has classic prodromal symptoms followed by a total body rash. The sole distinguishing clinical characteristic from other pox-like illnesses is the profound lymphadenopathy. Laboratory diagnosis of MPX is essential, a suitable test for endemic areas is under development but not yet available. For the time being anti-poxvirus antibodies in an unvaccinated individual with a history of severe illness and rash can suggest MPX infection. The reservoir host remains elusive yet the rope squirrel and Gambian pouched rat appear to be the most likely candidates. Transmission includes fomite, droplet, direct contact with infected humans or animals and consumption of infected meat. Though smallpox vaccination is protective against MPXV, new non-immune generations contribute to increasing incidence. Environmental factors are increasing the frequency of contact with potential hosts, thus increasing the risk of animal-to-human transmission. Increased risk of transmission through globalisation, conflict and environmental influences makes MPX a more realistic threat to previously unaffected countries. Health worker training and further development and accessibility of suitable diagnostic tests, vaccinations and anti-viral treatment is becoming increasingly necessary.
机译:人畜共患病猴痘(MPX)于1970年被发现,距1958年在丹麦实验室发现猴痘病毒(MPXV)已经十二年了。历史上仅限于西非(WA)和刚果盆地(CB),这是苏丹的新流行病美利坚合众国(USA)和美国(US)推动了新的研究,重点研究了导致猴痘病毒(MPXV)地理分布扩大的环境因素。在MEDLINE ®(Ovid),MEDLINE ®(PubMed)和Google Scholar数据库中使用搜索词:Monkeypox,MPXV和“人类Monkeypox”进行了系统的文献综述。文献显示MPX具有典型的前驱症状,随后出现全身皮疹。与其他痘样疾病的唯一区别是深部淋巴结肿大。 MPX的实验室诊断是必不可少的,一种针对流行地区的合适检测方法正在开发中,但尚不可用。暂时未接种过重病和皮疹病史的人中的抗痘病毒抗体可能提示MPX感染。储层宿主仍然难以捉摸,但是松鼠和冈比亚袋鼠似乎是最有可能的候选者。传播包括铁石棉,飞沫,与受感染的人或动物的直接接触以及食用受感染的肉。尽管天花疫苗可以预防MPXV,但新的非免疫世代会增加发病率。环境因素正在增加与潜在宿主接触的频率,从而增加了动物向人类传播的风险。由于全球化,冲突和环境影响而增加的传播风险,使MPX对以前未受影响的国家构成了更为现实的威胁。卫生工作者的培训以及适当的诊断测试,疫苗接种和抗病毒治疗的进一步发展和可及性变得越来越必要。



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