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Prospective study on retinal nerve fibre layer changes after an acute episode of phacomorphic angle closure




To investigate the retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) changes after an acute attack of phacomorphic angle closure. This prospective study involved ten cases of phacomorphic angle closure that underwent cataract extraction and intraocular lens insertion after intraocular pressure lowering. Apart from visual acuity and intraocular pressure (IOP), RNFL thickness and vertical cup disc ratio (VCDR) were measured by optical coherence tomography (OCT) at 3–9 months post attack. Humphrey visual field assessment was performed at 9 months post attack. All cases had mean phacomorphic duration of <5 days. Postoperatively, best correct Snellen visual acuity was 0.4 ± 0.2 and IOP at 9 months was 11.0 ± 3.1 mmHg. There was no difference in VCDR and RNFL between the attack and contralateral eye at 3 months post attack (both p = 0.4). At 9 months post attack, there was significant thinning in the average (p = 0.01), superior (p = 0.01), and inferior (p = 0.006) RNFL. There was no significant difference in the pattern standard deviation (PSD) between the two eyes on the Humphrey visual field nor was there any correlation between PSD severity and RNFL thinning (all p > 0.2. Patients with <5 days duration of phacomorphic angle closure are likely to have reasonable postoperative vision. An acute episode of phacomorphic angle closure can trigger an accelerated RNFL thinning despite normal IOP and open angles, most noticeable in the superior and inferior quadrants, occurring between 3 and 9 months post attack. Glaucomatous optic neuropathy in the attack eye was evident by OCT but not by visual field assessment at the same time interval.
机译:调查急性晶状体角膜关闭后视网膜神经纤维层(RNFL)的变化。这项前瞻性研究涉及10例晶状体闭合性晶状体闭合,这些患者在降低眼压后接受了白内障摘除和人工晶状体插入术。除视力和眼压(IOP)外,在发作后3-9个月通过光学相干断层扫描(OCT)测量RNFL厚度和垂直杯盘比(VCDR)。汉弗莱视野评估是在发作后9个月进行的。所有病例的平均晶状体持续时间均<5天。术后,最佳Snellen正确视力为0.4±0.2,9个月IOP为11.0±3.1mmHg。发作后3个月,发作和对侧眼之间的VCDR和RNFL没有差异(均为p = 0.4)。发作后9个月,RNFL的平均值(p = 0.01),上级(p = 0.01)和下级(p = 0.006)显着变薄。汉弗莱视野上的两只眼睛之间的模式标准偏差(PSD)没有显着差异,PSD严重程度与RNFL变薄之间也没有任何相关性(所有p> 0.2。持续时间<5天的晶状体闭锁的患者尽管眼压和张开角正常,但晶状体闭合性的急性发作仍可引起RNFL变薄,这在发作后3到9个月内最为明显,在上象限和下象限中最为明显。通过OCT可以发现攻击眼,但在同一时间间隔内不能通过视野评估来发现。



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