首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Scientifica >Improving Urban Water Environment in Eastern China by Blending Traditional with Modern Landscape Planning

Improving Urban Water Environment in Eastern China by Blending Traditional with Modern Landscape Planning




As a fundamental part of greenspace, urban water landscape contributes greatly to the ecological system and at the same time supplies a leisure area for residents. The paper did an analysis on the number of aquatic plant communities, the form of water spaces, and water quality condition by investigating 135 quadrats (90 at amphibious boundary and the land, 45 in the water) in 45 transects of 15 urban and suburban parks. We found that water spaces had monotonous forms with low biodiversity and poor water quality. In addition, urban water landscapes hardly provided ecological functions given excessive construction. Accordingly, a proposition to connect tradition with modernism in the improvement and innovation of urban water landscape planning was put forward, and further, the way to achieve it was explored. By taking Qinhu Wetland Park as a case, the principles and specific planning methods on macro- and microperspectives were discussed to guide the development of urban landscape in eastern China.
机译:作为绿色空间的基本组成部分,城市水景观对生态系统做出了巨大贡献,同时为居民提供了休闲场所。通过调查15个城市和郊区公园的45个样面中的135个四足动物(两栖边界和陆地上的90个,水中45个),对水生植物群落的数量,水空间的形式和水质状况进行了分析。 。我们发现水域具有单调的形式,生物多样性低,水质差。此外,由于过度建设,城市水域景观几乎无法提供生态功能。因此,提出了在城市水景规划的改进和创新中将传统与现代主义联系起来的主张,并进一步探索了实现这一目标的途径。以秦湖湿地公园为例,从宏观和微观角度探讨了原则和具体规划方法,以指导中国东部城市景观的发展。



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