首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Scientific World Journal >Simple Syllabic Calls Accompany Discrete Behavior Patterns in Captive Pteronotus parnellii: An Illustration of the Motivation-Structure Hypothesis

Simple Syllabic Calls Accompany Discrete Behavior Patterns in Captive Pteronotus parnellii: An Illustration of the Motivation-Structure Hypothesis




Mustached bats, Pteronotus parnellii, are highly social and vocal. Individuals of this species roost in tight clusters, and emit an acoustically rich repertoire of calls whose behavioral significance is largely unknown. We recorded their social and vocal behaviors within a colony housed under semi-natural conditions. We also quantified the spatial spread of each bat's roosting location and discovered that this was relatively fixed and roughly confined to an individual's body width. The spatial precision in roosting was accompanied by an equally remarkable match between specific vocalizations and well-timed, discrete, identifiable postures/behaviors, as revealed by logistic regression analysis. The bodily behaviors included crouching, marking, yawning, nipping, flicking, fighting, kissing, inspecting, and fly-bys. Two echolocation-like calls were used to maintain spacing in the colony, two noisy broadband calls were emitted during fights, two tonal calls conveyed fear, and another tonal call signaled appeasement. Overall, the results establish that mustached bats exhibit complex social interactions common to other social mammals. The correspondence of relatively low frequency and noisy, broadband calls with aggression, and of tonal, high frequency calls with fear supports Morton's Motivation-Structure hypothesis, and establishes a link between motivation and the acoustic structure of social calls emitted by mustached bats.
机译:有胡子的蝙蝠Pteronotus parnellii具有很高的社交性和发声性。该物种的个体栖息在紧密的簇中,并发出听觉上丰富的呼叫清单,其行为意义在很大程度上是未知的。我们在半自然条件下的殖民地中记录了他们的社交和发声行为。我们还量化了每个蝙蝠栖息地的空间分布,发现这是相对固定的,并且大致局限于个体的身体宽度。逻辑上的回归分析显示,栖息地的空间精确度伴随着特定发声与适时,离散,可识别的姿势/行为之间的显着匹配。身体行为包括蹲伏,打标,打哈欠,捏,甩,打架,亲吻,检查和飞掠。使用了两个类似回声定位的呼叫来保持殖民地的间隔,在战斗中发出了两个嘈杂的宽带呼叫,两个音调传达了恐惧,另一个音调表示了安抚。总体而言,结果表明,有胡子的蝙蝠表现出其他社交哺乳动物常见的复杂社交互动。相对较低的频率和嘈杂的宽带呼叫与侵略性的对应,以及与音调,高频呼叫的恐惧相对应的支持默顿的动机结构假设,并在动机和有胡子的蝙蝠发出的社交呼叫的声学结构之间建立了联系。



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