首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal >The Legacy of Thomas Hodgkin Is Still Relevant 150 Years After His Death. Nothing of Humanity Was Foreign to Him

The Legacy of Thomas Hodgkin Is Still Relevant 150 Years After His Death. Nothing of Humanity Was Foreign to Him

机译:托马斯·霍奇金(Thomas Hodgkin)逝世150年后的遗产仍然具有现实意义。人类的一切对他而言都不陌生



Current leading figures in medical science usually focus on very specific topics and use cutting-edge technologies to broaden our knowledge in the field. The working environment of the nineteenth century was very different. Medical giants of that time such as Rudolph Virchow and Thomas Hodgkin had a wide-ranging scope of research and humanitarian interests and made enormous contributions to a variety of core areas of medicine and the well-being of mankind. The year 2016 marked the 150th anniversary of the death of Dr Thomas Hodgkin. Even a brief review of his life and work proves the current relevance of the outstanding deeds of this exceptional physician, medical educator, and defender of human rights for the poor and underprivileged; his vision was far ahead of his time.
机译:当前医学领域的领先人物通常专注于非常具体的主题,并使用尖端技术来扩展我们在该领域的知识。十九世纪的工作环境非常不同。当时的医学巨人,如鲁道夫·维奇豪(Rudolph Virchow)和托马斯·霍奇金(Thomas Hodgkin),具有广泛的研究和人道主义利益,并为医学和人类福祉的各个核心领域做出了巨大贡献。 2016年是Thomas Hodgkin博士逝世150周年。甚至对他的生活和工作进行简短的回顾,也可以证明这位杰出的医生,医学教育家和人权维护者为穷人和弱势群体所做的杰出事迹在当前具有现实意义;他的远见遥遥领先。



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