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Clinical Empathy and Narrative Competence: The Relevance of Reading Talmudic Legends as Literary Fiction




The “curative potential” in almost any clinical setting depends on a caregiver establishing and maintaining an empathic connection with patients so as to achieve “narrative competence” in discerning and acting in accord with their preferences and best interests. The “narrative medicine” model of shared “close reading of literature and reflective writing” among clinicians as a means of fostering a capacity for clinical empathy has gained validation with recent empirical studies demonstrating the enhancement of theory of mind (ToM), broadly conceived as empathy, in readers of literary fiction. Talmudic legends, like that of Rabbi Judah’s death, are under-appreciated, relevant sources of literary fiction for these efforts. The limitations of narrative medicine are readily counterbalanced by simultaneously practiced attention to traditional bioethical principles, including—especially—beneficence, non-maleficence, and autonomy.
机译:几乎在任何临床情况下,“治愈潜力”都取决于护理人员与患者建立并保持同理关系,从而实现“叙事能力”,以辨别并按照患者的喜好和最佳利益采取行动。临床医生之间共享“近距离阅读文学和反思写作”作为一种增强临床同理能力的手段的“叙事医学”模型已得到最近实证研究的证实,该实证研究表明,增强了心理理论(ToM)同情心,在文学小说的读者中。像拉比·犹大(Rabbi Judah)的死那样的塔木德传说,对于这些努力而言,文学小说的相关来源很少得到重视。叙事医学的局限性可以通过同时实践对传统生物伦理原则的关注而轻易抵消,这些传统伦理原则包括,尤其是受益,非恶意和自治。



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