
A rock engraving made by Neanderthals in Gibraltar




The production of purposely made painted or engraved designs on cave walls—a means of recording and transmitting symbolic codes in a durable manner—is recognized as a major cognitive step in human evolution. Considered exclusive to modern humans, this behavior has been used to argue in favor of significant cognitive differences between our direct ancestors and contemporary archaic hominins, including the Neanderthals. Here we present the first known example of an abstract pattern engraved by Neanderthals, from Gorham’s Cave in Gibraltar. It consists of a deeply impressed cross-hatching carved into the bedrock of the cave that has remained covered by an undisturbed archaeological level containing Mousterian artifacts made by Neanderthals and is older than 39 cal kyr BP. Geochemical analysis of the epigenetic coating over the engravings and experimental replication show that the engraving was made before accumulation of the archaeological layers, and that most of the lines composing the design were made by repeatedly and carefully passing a pointed lithic tool into the grooves, excluding the possibility of an unintentional or utilitarian origin (e.g., food or fur processing). This discovery demonstrates the capacity of the Neanderthals for abstract thought and expression through the use of geometric forms.
机译:在洞壁上特意制作绘画或雕刻图案的生产(一种以持久方式记录和传输符号代码的方式)被认为是人类进化的主要认知步骤。这种行为被认为是现代人类所独有的,它被用来主张我们的直接祖先与当代古人类,包括尼安德特人之间的重大认知差异。在这里,我们展示了尼安德特人(Neanderthals)雕刻的抽象图案的第一个已知示例,该图案来自直布罗陀的戈拉姆洞穴。它由刻在洞穴基岩上的深深的阴影线组成,至今仍被不受干扰的考古层次所覆盖,其中包含尼安德特人制作的穆斯特手工艺品,且年代早于BP 39卡尔。对版画上的表观遗传涂层的地球化学分析和实验复制表明,版画是在考古层堆积之前完成的,构成设计的大部分线条是通过反复并小心地将尖头的石器工具穿入凹槽而制成的,无意或功利起源的可能性(例如,食品或毛皮加工)。这一发现证明了尼安德特人通过使用几何形式抽象思想和表达的能力。



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