首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Proteomic analyses identify a diverse array of nuclear processes affected by small ubiquitin-like modifier conjugation in Arabidopsis

Proteomic analyses identify a diverse array of nuclear processes affected by small ubiquitin-like modifier conjugation in Arabidopsis




The covalent attachment of SUMO (small ubiquitin-like modifier) to other intracellular proteins affects a broad range of nuclear processes in yeast and animals, including chromatin maintenance, transcription, and transport across the nuclear envelope, as well as protects proteins from ubiquitin addition. Substantial increases in SUMOylated proteins upon various stresses have also implicated this modification in the general stress response. To help understand the role(s) of SUMOylation in plants, we developed a stringent method to isolate SUMO-protein conjugates from Arabidopsis thaliana that exploits a tagged SUMO1 variant that faithfully replaces the wild-type protein. Following purification under denaturing conditions, SUMOylated proteins were identified by tandem mass spectrometry from both nonstressed plants and those exposed to heat and oxidative stress. The list of targets is enriched for factors that direct SUMOylation and for nuclear proteins involved in chromatin remodeling/repair, transcription, RNA metabolism, and protein trafficking. Targets of particular interest include histone H2B, components in the LEUNIG/TOPLESS corepressor complexes, and proteins that control histone acetylation and DNA methylation, which affect genome-wide transcription. SUMO attachment site(s) were identified in a subset of targets, including SUMO1 itself to confirm the assembly of poly-SUMO chains. SUMO1 also becomes conjugated with ubiquitin during heat stress, thus connecting these two posttranslational modifications in plants. Taken together, we propose that SUMOylation represents a rapid and global mechanism for reversibly manipulating plant chromosomal functions, especially during environmental stress.
机译:SUMO(小的泛素样修饰剂)与其他细胞内蛋白的共价结合会影响酵母和动物中广泛的核过程,包括染色质维持,转录和跨核膜转运,并保护蛋白质免于泛素添加。在各种胁迫下SUMO化蛋白的显着增加也暗示了这种修饰在一般应激反应中。为了帮助理解SUMOylation在植物中的作用,我们开发了一种严格的方法,可从拟南芥中分离SUMO蛋白结合物,该结合物利用了忠实替代野生型蛋白的标记SUMO1变异体。在变性条件下纯化后,通过串联质谱法从无胁迫的植物以及暴露于热和氧化胁迫的植物中鉴定了SUMO化的蛋白质。目标列表丰富了指导SUMOylation的因子以及参与染色质重塑/修复,转录,RNA代谢和蛋白质运输的核蛋白。特别感兴趣的靶标包括组蛋白H2B,LEUNIG / TOPLESS核心加压复合物中的成分以及控制组蛋白乙酰化和DNA甲基化(影响全基因组转录)的蛋白质。在一个子集的目标中(包括SUMO1本身)确定了SUMO附着位点,以确认多SUMO链的组装。 SUMO1在热胁迫期间也与泛素缀合,因此将这两个翻译后修饰连接到植物中。两者合计,我们建议SUMOylation代表一种可逆地操纵植物染色体功能的快速而全局的机制,尤其是在环境胁迫期间。



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