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Interprofessional education in medical schools in Japan




Interprofessional education (IPE) for medical students is becoming increasingly important, as reflected in the increasing number of medical schools adopting IPE. However, the current status of and barriers to pre-registration IPE implementation in Japanese medical schools remain unknown. The purpose of this study was to clarify the status and barriers of IPE implementation in medical schools in Japan. We conducted a curriculum survey from September to December 2016 of all 81 medical schools in Japan. We mailed the questionnaire and asked the schools’ undergraduate education staff to respond. The survey items were the IPE implementation status and barriers to program implementation. Sixty-four of the 81 schools responded (response rate 79.0%), of which 46 (71.9%) had implemented IPE, 42 (89.1%) as compulsory programs. Half of IPE programs were implemented in the first 2 years, while less than 10% were implemented in the latter years of medical programs. As part of the IPE programs, medical students collaborated with a wide range of professional student groups. The most common learning strategy was lectures. However, one-third of IPE programs used didactic lectures without interaction between multi-professional students. The most common perceived major barrier to implementing IPE was adjustment of the academic calendar and schedule (82.8%), followed by insufficient staff numbers (73.4%). Our findings indicate that IPE is being promoted in undergraduate education at medical schools in Japan. IPE programs differed according to the circumstances of each school. Barriers to IPE may be resolved by improving learning methods, introducing group discussions between multi-professional students in lectures or introducing IPE programs using team-based learning. In summary, we demonstrated the current status and barriers of IPE implementation in Japanese medical schools. Our findings will likely lead to the promotion of IPE programs in Japan.
机译:正如越来越多的医学院采用IPE所反映的那样,针对医学生的专业间教育(IPE)变得越来越重要。但是,日本医学院校目前在进行预注册IPE的现状和障碍仍然未知。这项研究的目的是弄清日本医学院校实施IPE的现状和障碍。我们于2016年9月至2016年12月对日本所有81所医学院进行了课程调查。我们邮寄了调查问卷,并要求学校的本科教育人员进行答复。调查项目是IPE的实施状况和计划实施的障碍。 81所学校中有64所做出了回应(回应率为79.0%),其中46所(71.9%)已实施IPE,42所(89.1%)为义务教育。 IPE计划的一半是在前两年实施的,而在医疗计划的后几年实施的不到10%。作为IPE计划的一部分,医学生与众多专业学生团体进行了合作。最常见的学习策略是讲课。但是,三分之一的IPE计划使用了讲授性的讲座,而多专业学生之间没有互动。实施IPE最常见的主要障碍是调整学历和时间表(82.8%),其次是职员人数不足(73.4%)。我们的发现表明,IPE正在日本的医学院校的本科教育中得到推广。 IPE计划根据每个学校的情况而有所不同。 IPE的障碍可以通过改善学习方法,在讲座中引入多专业学生之间的小组讨论或使用基于团队的学习介绍IPE计划来解决。总而言之,我们展示了日本医学院校IPE实施的现状和障碍。我们的发现可能会导致在日本推广IPE计划。



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