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Observer perceptions of the justifiability of the actions of nations in conflict: The relative importance of conveying national vulnerability versus strength




Because the underdog in a conflict typically gains the support of observers, nations will often adopt a narrative that persuades both their domestic following and international allies that they are the true victim in the conflict. Three survey studies were conducted to assess the perceptions of citizens of a third-party observer nation (Canada) in relation to two nations in conflict that differ in their historical persecution, namely the U.S. and Israel. Perceptions of the vulnerability of their safety and survival, and their strength to protect themselves against their opponents were hypothesized to mediate differences in the perceived justification for each nation’s conflict actions. Study 1 (N = 91) supported this mediational model, with the U.S. seen as less vulnerable and more powerful than Israel, and perceptions of vulnerability accounting for differences in the justifiability of their respective conflict actions. Study 2 (N = 315) further demonstrated a moderating effect of Canadians’ shared identity with the nations in conflict; only at lower levels of a shared identity was Israel perceived to be more vulnerable and the mediated relation with the perceived justifiability of its conflict actions retained. Study 3 was conducted 10 years later (2018), administering measures to an independent sample of Canadian participants (N = 300). Canadians were found to be significantly less likely to share a common identity with Americans than previously; once again, the mediating role of the perceived vulnerability of the nations in conflict and the justifiability of their actions was conditional on shared identification. The findings contribute to understanding influences on the credibility of victim claims by nations in conflict, as well as implications for how their actions are construed by citizens of a third-party observer nation.
机译:由于冲突中的失败者通常会获得观察员的支持,因此各国通常会采用一种叙事方式,说服其国内追随者和国际盟友说他们是冲突的真正受害者。进行了三项调查研究,以评估第三方观察员国家(加拿大)的公民对于在历史上遭受迫害不同的两个冲突国家(即美国和以色列)的看法。人们认为,人们对他们的安全和生存的脆弱性以及保护自己免受对手攻击的力量的看法可以调解每个国家采取冲突行动的正当理由的差异。研究1(N = 91)支持这种调解模式,美国被认为比以色列弱点少,但实力更强,对脆弱性的看法解释了各自冲突行动的正当性差异。研究2(N = 315)进一步证明了加拿大人与冲突国家共享身份的适度作用;以色列只有在共有身份较低的情况下才被认为更脆弱,而且与人们认为其冲突行动的合理性之间存在着调解关系。研究3在10年后(2018年)进行,对独立的加拿大参与者样本(N = 300)进行管理。与以前相比,加拿大人被发现与美国人拥有共同的身份的可能性要小得多。再次说明,各国在冲突中的脆弱性和其行动的正当性的调解作用取决于共同认同。这些发现有助于理解冲突中国家对受害者要求的可信度的影响,以及对第三方观察员国家的公民如何解释其行为的影响。



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