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Taxonomic and functional diversity of insect herbivore assemblages associated with the canopy-dominant trees of the Azorean native forest




Oceanic islands have been providing important insights on the structuring of ecological communities and, under the context of the present biodiversity crisis, they are paramount to assess the effects of biological invasions on community assembly. In this study we compare the taxonomic and functional diversity of insect herbivore assemblages associated with the dominant tree species of Azorean native forests and investigate the ecological processes that may have originated current patterns of plant-herbivore associations. Five dominant trees—Erica azorica, Ilex perado subsp. azorica, Juniperus brevifolia, Laurus azorica and Vaccinium cylindraceum—were sampled in the remnants of the native forest of Terceira Island (Azores) using a standardised methodology. The taxonomic and functional diversity of insect herbivore assemblages was assessed using complementary metrics and beta diversity partitioning analysis (species replacement and richness differences) aiming to evaluate the variation in insect herbivore assemblages within and between the study plant species. Sixty two insect species, mostly bugs (Hemiptera) and caterpillars (Lepidoptera), were found in the five study plants with indigenous (endemic and native non-endemic) insects occurring with higher species richness and abundance than introduced ones. Species replacement was the most important component of insect herbivore taxonomic beta diversity while differences in trait richness played a major role on functional beta diversity. The endemic E. azorica stands out from the other study plants by having associated a very distinct insect herbivore assemblage with a particular set of functional attributes, mainly composed by large bodied and long shaped species that feed by chewing. Despite the progressive biotic homogenization witnessed in the Azores during the last few decades, several strong associations between the endemic trees and their indigenous insect herbivores remain.
机译:海洋岛屿一直在提供有关生态社区结构的重要见解,在当前生物多样性危机的背景下,它们对于评估生物入侵对社区聚集的影响至关重要。在这项研究中,我们比较了与亚速尔群岛原生林的优势树种相关的昆虫食草动物组合的分类学和功能多样性,并研究了可能起源于当前植物-草食动物协会模式的生态过程。五种优势树-埃里卡(Erica azorica),冬青(Perex)亚种使用标准化方法,在特塞拉岛(亚速尔群岛)原生森林的残留物中取样了非洲蓝花,杜松杜鹃,月桂花和西洋越橘。昆虫食草动物组合的分类学和功能多样性使用互补指标和β多样性划分分析(物种替代和丰富度差异)进行了评估,旨在评估研究植物物种内部和之间的昆虫食草动物组合的变化。在五种研究植物中发现了62种昆虫物种,其中多数是臭虫(半翅目)和毛毛虫(鳞翅目),其中土著(特有和本地非特有)昆虫的发生比引入的昆虫具有更高的物种丰富度和丰度。物种替代是昆虫食草动物生物分类β多样性的最重要组成部分,而性状丰富度的差异则对功能β多样性起着重要作用。地方特有的E. azorica通过将非常独特的昆虫草食动物组合与一组特定的功能属性相关联而从其他研究植物中脱颖而出,这些特征主要由咀嚼食性的大体长形物种组成。尽管过去几十年来在亚速尔群岛中目睹了逐步的生物均质化,但特有树种与其本土昆虫食草动物之间仍然存在着很强的联系。



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