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The zooarchaeology and isotopic ecology of the Bahamian hutia (Geocapromys ingrahami): Evidence for pre-Columbian anthropogenic management

机译:巴哈马湿地(Geocapromys ingrahami)的动物考古学和同位素生态学:哥伦布前人类活动管理的证据



Bahamian hutias (Geocapromys ingrahami) are the only endemic terrestrial mammal in The Bahamas and are currently classified as a vulnerable species. Drawing on zooarchaeological and new geochemical datasets, this study investigates human management of Bahamian hutias as cultural practice at indigenous Lucayan settlements in The Bahamas and the Turks & Caicos Islands. In order to determine how hutia diet and distribution together were influenced by Lucayan groups we conducted isotopic analysis on native hutia bone and tooth enamel recovered at the Major’s Landing site on Crooked Island in The Bahamas and introduced hutias from the Palmetto Junction site on Providenciales in the Turks & Caicos Islands. Results indicate that some hutias consumed 13C-enriched foods that were either provisioned or available for opportunistic consumption. Strontium isotope ratios for hutia tooth enamel show a narrow range consistent with local origin for all of the archaeological specimens. In contrast, analysis of strontium isotopes in modern Bahamian hutia teeth from animals relocated to Florida from The Bahamas demonstrates that these animals rapidly lost their Bahamian signature and adopted a Florida signature. Therefore, strontium should be used cautiously for determining hutia provenance, particularly for individuals that were translocated between islands. Overall, our findings suggest that ancient human presence did not always result in hutia vulnerability and that the impact to hutia populations was variable across pre-Columbian indigenous settlements.
机译:巴哈马湿疣(Geocapromys ingrahami)是巴哈马唯一的地方性陆生哺乳动物,目前被列为脆弱物种。利用动物考古学和新的地球化学数据集,本研究调查了在巴哈马群岛和特克斯和凯科斯群岛的卢卡扬土著定居点作为文化习俗的人类对巴哈马氏菌的管理。为了确定卢卡亚人的饮食习惯和饮食分配如何受到卢卡扬小组的影响,我们对在巴哈马群岛弯曲岛上的马洛斯登陆站上发现的天然胡塔骨和牙齿珐琅质进行了同位素分析,并从普罗维登西亚莱斯的帕尔梅托交界处引入了胡塔斯叶。特克斯和凯科斯群岛。结果表明,一些休憩场所食用了 13 C丰富的食物,这些食物要么是供应的,要么是机会消费的。惠蒂牙釉质的锶同位素比显示出与所有考古标本的本地来源一致的狭窄范围。相比之下,对从巴哈马群岛移居至佛罗里达州的动物中的现代巴哈马湿润牙齿中锶同位素的分析表明,这些动物迅速丧失了巴哈马签名并采用了佛罗里达签名。因此,应谨慎使用锶来确定腐殖质来源,特别是对于在岛屿之间转移的个体。总体而言,我们的发现表明,古代人类的存在并不总是导致腐殖质脆弱性,而且在哥伦布之前的土著居民定居点对腐殖质种群的影响是可变的。



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