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Monumental megalithic burial and rock art tell a new story about the Levant Intermediate Bronze “Dark Ages”




The Intermediate Bronze Age (IB) in the Southern Levant (ca. 2350–2000 BCE) is known as the “Dark Ages,” following the collapse of Early Bronze urban society and predating the establishment of the Middle Bronze cities. The absence of significant settlements and monumental building has led to the reconstruction of IB social organization as that of nomadic, tribal society inhabiting rural villages with no central governmental system. Excavation in the Shamir Dolmen Field (comprising over 400 dolmens) on the western foothills of the Golan Heights was carried out following the discovery of rock art engravings on the ceiling of the central chamber inside one of the largest dolmens ever recorded in the Levant. Excavation of this multi-chambered dolmen, covered by a basalt capstone weighing some 50 tons, revealed a secondary multi-burial (of both adults and children) rarely described in a dolmen context in the Golan. Engraved into the rock ceiling above the multi-burial is a panel of 14 forms composed of a vertical line and downturned arc motif. 3D-scanning by structured-light technology was used to sharpen the forms and revealed the technique employed to create them. Building of the Shamir dolmens required a tremendous amount of labor, architectural mastery, and complex socio-economic organization well beyond the capacity of small, rural nomadic groups. The monumental megalithic burial of the Shamir dolmens indicates a hierarchical, complex, non-urban governmental system. This new evidence supports a growing body of recent criticism stemming from new discoveries and approaches that calls for rethinking our views of the Levantine IB “Dark Ages.”
机译:在早期的青铜城市社会瓦解并早于中古青铜城市建立之前,南部黎凡特(约公元前2350年至2000年)的青铜器中间时代(IB)被称为“黑暗时代”。缺乏重要的定居点和纪念性建筑,导致IB社会组织的重建,就像游牧部落社会那样,居住在没有中央政府体制的乡村中。在戈兰高地西山麓的Shamir Dolmen田地(包含400多个石门)中进行挖掘是在黎凡特有史以来最大的石门之一内的中央室天花板上发现岩石艺术雕刻之后进行的。这座多室的墓穴开挖,覆盖着重约50吨的玄武岩顶盖,揭示了在戈兰的多尔曼遗址中很少描述的次生墓葬(包括成年人和儿童)。在多重葬礼上方的岩石天花板上雕刻着由垂直线和下弯弧形图案组成的14种形式的面板。通过结构光技术进行的3D扫描用于锐化表格并揭示了用于创建表格的技术。修建沙米尔(Shamir)的石棺需要大量的劳动力,精通建筑和复杂的社会经济组织,这远远超出了农村游牧小团体的能力。 Shamir dolmens巨大的巨石墓葬表明一个分层的,复杂的,非城市的政府系统。这些新证据支持了越来越多的批评,这些批评来自新发现和新方法,这些新方法和新方法要求重新考虑我们对黎凡特IB的“黑暗时代”的看法。



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