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Real-time surveillance of heat-related morbidity: Relation to excess mortality associated with extreme heat




The impact of heat on mortality is well documented but deaths tend to occur after (or lag) extreme heat events, and mortality data is generally not available for timely surveillance during extreme heat events. Recently, systems for near-real time surveillance of heat illness have been reported but have not been validated as predictors of non-external cause of deaths associated with extreme heat events. We analyzed associations between daily weather conditions, emergency medical system (EMS) calls flagged as heat-related by EMS dispatchers, emergency department (ED) visits classified as heat-related based on chief complaint text, and excess non-external cause mortality in New York City. EMS and ED data were obtained from data reported daily to the city health department for syndromic surveillance. We fit generalized linear models to assess the relationships of daily counts of heat related EMS and ED visits to non-external cause deaths after adjustment for weather conditions during the months of May-September between 1999 and 2013. Controlling for temporal trends, a 7% (95% confidence interval (CI): 2–12) and 6% (95% CI: 3–10) increase in non-external cause mortality was associated with an increase from the 50th percentile to 99th percentile of same-day and one-day lagged heat-related EMS calls and ED visits, respectively. After controlling for both temporal trends and weather, we observed a 7% (95% CI: 3–12) increase in non-external cause mortality associated with one-day lagged heat-related EMS calls and a 5% mortality increase with one-day lagged ED visits (95% CI: 2–8). Heat-related illness can be tracked during extreme heat events using EMS and ED data which are indicators of heat associated excess non-external cause mortality during the warm weather season.
机译:热量对死亡率的影响已得到充分证明,但死亡往往发生在(或滞后)极端高温事件之后,并且通常无法获得死亡率数据以在极端高温事件期间进行及时监视。近来,已经报道了用于热病的近实时监视的系统,但是尚未被确认为与极端热事件相关的非外部死亡原因的预测因子。根据主要投诉文本,我们分析了日常天气状况,EMS调度员标记为与热相关的紧急医疗系统(EMS)呼叫,根据主要投诉文本归类为与热相关的紧急部门(ED)访问与新版超额外部原因死亡率之间的关联约克市。 EMS和ED数据是从每天报告给城市卫生部门进行症状监测的数据中获得的。我们对广义线性模型进行了拟合,以评估与1999年至2013年5月之间的天气条件调整后,与热量相关的EMS和ED访问的每日次数与非外部原因死亡之间的关系。控制时间趋势,为7%非外部原因死亡率的增加(95%置信区间(CI):2-12)和6%(95%CI:3-10)从第50个百分位数增加到当天和一日滞后与热相关的EMS呼叫和ED访问的第99个 百分数。在控制了时间趋势和天气之后,我们观察到与一日滞后的热相关EMS呼叫相关的非外部原因死亡率增加了7%(95%CI:3–12),而与1天相比,死亡率增加了5%。 ED访视时间滞后(95%CI:2–8)。可以在极端高温事件期间使用EMS和ED数据跟踪与热相关的疾病,这些数据是在温暖的天气季节中与热相关的非外部原因导致的过多死亡率的指标。



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