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Seasonal dynamics and spatial distribution pattern of Parapoynx crisonalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) on water chestnuts




Parapoynx crisonalis (Walker, 1859) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) is a major pest of aquatic vegetables and aquatic landscape plants. It has been responsible for causing considerable economic damage to water chestnut (Trapa natans) plants. In the Changsha vicinity of China, P. crisonalis has five generations a year. Populations of P. crisonalis were relatively low in April and began to rapidly rise at the beginning of May. At the end of July and early August, the population dropped dramatically. A rebound occurred at the end of August and early September, which was referred to as the second population peak. From then, until early November, the P. crisonalis population steadily diminished in preparation for overwintering. The primary factors influencing the seasonal dynamics of P. crisonalis were the climatic conditions, especially the temperature, and secondarily precipitation. Between May and October, the P. crisonalis adults were evenly distributed in the pond. In May and June, the eggs of P. crisonalis were present in an aggregate distribution, due to the effects of environmental heterogeneity. In July and August, however, they were found to be in a uniform distribution.
机译:Parapoynx crisonalis(Walker,1859)(鳞翅目:Crambidae)是水生蔬菜和水生园林植物的主要害虫。它已经造成对菱角plants(Trapa natans)植物造成相当大的经济损失。在中国的长沙附近,景天假单胞菌每年有五代。鸡冠花(P. crisonalis)的种群在4月份相对较低,并在5月初开始迅速上升。在7月底和8月初,人口急剧下降。 8月底和9月初出现反弹,这被称为第二个人口高峰。从那以后,直到11月初,P。crisonalis种群稳步减少,为越冬做准备。影响P. crisonalis季节动态的主要因素是气候条件,尤其是温度,其次是降水。在五月至十月之间,景天果成虫在池塘中平均分布。由于环境异质性的影响,5月和6月,景天的卵以总体分布形式存在。但是,在7月和8月,发现它们分布均匀。



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