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First Epigravettian Ceramic Figurines from Europe (Vela Spila, Croatia)




Recent finds of 36 ceramic artifacts from the archaeological site of Vela Spila, Croatia, offer the first evidence of ceramic figurative art in late Upper Palaeolithic Europe, c. 17,500–15,000 years before present (BP). The size and diversity of this artistic ceramic assemblage indicate the emergence of a social tradition, rather than more ephemeral experimentation with a new material. Vela Spila ceramics offer compelling technological and stylistic comparisons with the only other evidence of a developed Palaeolithic ceramic tradition found at the sites of Pavlov I and Dolní Věstonice I, in the Czech Republic, c. 31,000–27,000 cal BP. Because of the 10,000-year gap between the two assemblages, the Vela Spila ceramics are interpreted as evidence of an independent invention of this technology. Consequently, these artifacts provide evidence of a new social context in which ceramics developed and were used to make art in the Upper Palaeolithic.
机译:克罗地亚Vela Spila考古遗址的36具陶瓷器物的最新发现,为上古石器时代晚期欧洲的陶瓷具象艺术提供了第一个证据。距今已有17,500–15,000年(BP)。这种艺术陶瓷组合的大小和多样性表明一种社会传统的出现,而不是使用新材料进行的短暂试验。 Vela Spila陶瓷与捷克共和国Pavlov I和DolníVěstoniceI遗址中发现的古老的旧石器时代陶瓷传统的唯一其他证据相比,可以提供令人信服的技术和风格比较。 31,000–27,000 cal BP。由于两个组件之间存在10,000年的差距,因此Vela Spila陶瓷被解释为这项技术的独立发明的证据。因此,这些文物为新的社会环境提供了证据,在这种社会背景下,陶瓷得以发展,并被用来在旧石器时代的上层进行艺术创作。



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