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Assessing the Dream-Lag Effect for REM and NREM Stage 2 Dreams

机译:评估REM和NREM Stage 2梦的滞后效应



This study investigates evidence, from dream reports, for memory consolidation during sleep. It is well-known that events and memories from waking life can be incorporated into dreams. These incorporations can be a literal replication of what occurred in waking life, or, more often, they can be partial or indirect. Two types of temporal relationship have been found to characterize the time of occurrence of a daytime event and the reappearance or incorporation of its features in a dream. These temporal relationships are referred to as the day-residue or immediate incorporation effect, where there is the reappearance of features from events occurring on the immediately preceding day, and the dream-lag effect, where there is the reappearance of features from events occurring 5–7 days prior to the dream. Previous work on the dream-lag effect has used spontaneous home recalled dream reports, which can be from Rapid Eye Movement Sleep (REM) and from non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep (NREM). This study addresses whether the dream-lag effect occurs only for REM sleep dreams, or for both REM and NREM stage 2 (N2) dreams. 20 participants kept a daily diary for over a week before sleeping in the sleep laboratory for 2 nights. REM and N2 dreams collected in the laboratory were transcribed and each participant rated the level of correspondence between every dream report and every diary record. The dream-lag effect was found for REM but not N2 dreams. Further analysis indicated that this result was not due to N2 dream reports being shorter, in terms of number of words, than the REM dream reports. These results provide evidence for a 7-day sleep-dependent non-linear memory consolidation process that is specific to REM sleep, and accord with proposals for the importance of REM sleep to emotional memory consolidation.
机译:这项研究调查了梦境报告中有关睡眠期间记忆巩固的证据。众所周知,唤醒生活中的事件和记忆可以融入梦中。这些合并可以是醒着生活中发生的事情的字面复制,或更常见的是,它们可以是部分或间接的。已经发现两种类型的时间关系可以表征白天事件的发生时间以及梦中事件特征的重新出现或并入。这些时间关系称为日残留或即刻合并效应,其中前一天发生的事件重新出现特征,而梦境滞后效应则发生的事件重新出现5。 –梦想前7天。先前关于梦境滞后效应的研究使用了自发的家庭自述梦境报告,这些梦境报告可能来自快速眼动睡眠(REM)和非快速眼动睡眠(NREM)。这项研究解决了梦境滞后效应只发生在REM睡眠梦中,还是发生在REM和NREM 2期(N2)梦中。 20名参与者每天记录日记超过一个星期,然后在睡眠实验室睡觉2晚。转录在实验室中收集的REM和N2梦,每个参与者对每个梦报告和日记记录之间的对应程度进行评估。发现梦境滞后效应是针对REM的,但不是针对N2梦的。进一步的分析表明,此结果不是由于N2梦报告的词数比REM梦报告短。这些结果为特定于REM睡眠的7天依赖睡眠的非线性记忆巩固过程提供了证据,并且与REM睡眠对情绪记忆巩固的重要性的建议相符。



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