首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine >Approaching two decades of cystic fibrosis research in Qatar: a historical perspective and future directions

Approaching two decades of cystic fibrosis research in Qatar: a historical perspective and future directions




Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disease caused by a defect of CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. CF affects multiple systems, predominantly with respiratory involvement. In Qatar, researchers have been exploring various aspects of the disease for almost 20 years. PubMed and Google Scholar were reviewed for articles related to CF in Qatar. The first publication appeared in the year 2000. Since then, several studies have been conducted on CF patients in Qatar considering a variety of topics. The presence of the CFTR I1234V mutation in a certain Arab tribe stands out as a distinguishing characteristic of CF patients in Qatar when compared to the larger Arab region or even worldwide. We aim here to summarize the existing CF research conducted in Qatar over the years as well as to introduce topics for future research.
机译:囊性纤维化(CF)是由CF跨膜电导调节剂(CFTR)基因的缺陷引起的遗传性疾病。 CF影响多个系统,主要是呼吸系统受累。在卡塔尔,研究人员一直在探索该疾病的各个方面近20年。我们对PubMed和Google Scholar进行了评论,以查找与卡塔尔CF有关的文章。第一份出版物发表于2000年。从那时起,针对卡塔尔的CF患者进行了多项研究,涉及多个主题。与较大的阿拉伯地区乃至全世界相比,某些阿拉伯部落中CFTR I1234V突变的存在是卡塔尔CF患者的显着特征。我们的目的是总结过去几年在卡塔尔进行的CF研究,并介绍未来的研究主题。



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