class='kwd-title'>Method name: Survey Questionna'/> Learning style preferences of architecture and interior design students in Saudi Arabia: A survey
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Learning style preferences of architecture and interior design students in Saudi Arabia: A survey




class="kwd-title">Method name: Survey Questionnaire class="kwd-title">Keywords: Interior design, Architecture, Student preferences, Learning style, Questionnaire survey, Saudi Arabia class="head no_bottom_margin" id="abs0010title">AbstractThis method article examines the Felder and Soloman’s (1999) Index of Learning Styles (ILS) questionnaire in the context of Saudi Arabian higher education. Specifically, it aims at exploring the learning styles preferences among the students in Interior Design and Architecture program. Clustering approach is used by grouping students based on the similarities measure of their learning style. The findings reveal that students in both programs share learning style of Reflective, Intuitive, Verbal and Global at 57% or higher. class="first-line-outdent" id="lis0005">
  • • Little research has focused on the Learning Styles preferences in higher education.
  • • There is no significant difference of learning style preferences between Interior Design and Architecture students.
  • • Reflecting learning style in university is reinforced by local elementary and high schools
  • • The data can be used by the scientific community to explore differences in learning style preferences (e.g. students of different genders).
  • 机译:<!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ anchor” mode =文章f4-> <!-fig mode =“ anchred” f5-> <!-fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> class =“ kwd-title”>方法名称:调查问卷 class =“ kwd-title”>关键字:室内设计,体系结构,学生偏好,学习风格,问卷调查,沙特阿拉伯 class =“ head no_bottom_margin” id =“ abs0010title”>摘要该方法文章考察了Felder and Soloman(1999)学习风格指数(ILS) )在沙特阿拉伯高等教育中的问卷调查。具体来说,它旨在探索室内设计和建筑课程中学生的学习风格偏好。聚类方法用于根据学生学习风格的相似性对学生进行分组。调查结果表明,这两个课程的学生共享的反思,直觉,语言和整体学习风格达到57%或更高。 class =“ first-line-outdent” id =“ lis0005”> <!-list-behavior = simple prefix-word = mark-type = none max-label-size = 9->
  • •很少有研究关注高等教育中的学习风格偏好。
  • •室内设计与建筑专业学生之间的学习风格偏好没有显着差异。
  • •当地小学和高中强化了大学的学习风格 >
  • •科学界可以使用这些数据来探索学习风格偏好方面的差异(例如,不同性别的学生)。
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