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Illustrations from the Wellcome Library William Winstanley’s Pestilential Poesies in The Christians Refuge: Or Heavenly Antidotes Against the Plague in this Time of Generall Contagion to Which is Added the Charitable Physician (1665)

机译:惠康图书馆的插图威廉·温斯坦利(William Winstanley)的基督教避难所中的诗意化:或者在普通传染病时代的抗鼠疫的天堂解毒剂中加入了慈善医师(1665)



During the Great Plague of London (1665), William Winstanley veered from his better known roles as arbiter of success and failure in his works of biography or as a comic author under the pseudonym Poor Robin, and instead engaged with his reading audience as a plague writer in the rare book The Christians Refuge: Or Heavenly Antidotes Against the Plague in this Time of Generall Contagion to Which is Added the Charitable Physician (1665). From its extensive paratexts, including a table of mortality statistics and woodcut of king death, to its temporal and providential interpretation of the disease between the covers of a single text, The Christians Refuge is a compendium of contemporary understanding of plague. This article addresses The Christians Refuge as an expression of London’s print marketplace in a moment of transformation precipitated by the epidemic. The author considers the paratextual elements in The Christians Refuge that engage with the presiding norms in plague writing and publishing in 1665 and also explores how Winstanley’s authorship is expressed in the work. Winstanley has long been seen as a biographer or as a humour writer; attributing The Christians Refuge extends and challenges previous perceptions of his work.
机译:在伦敦大瘟疫(1665年)期间,威廉·温斯坦利(William Winstanley)偏离了自己在传记作品中成败的仲裁者或笔名“穷罗宾(Poor Robin)”下的漫画作家的角色,转而与瘟疫的读者接触罕见的著作《基督徒的避难所:抗瘟疫的天堂解毒剂》中的作者,并加入了慈善医师(1665)。从大量的文字资料(包括死亡率统计表和国王死亡的木刻图)到其在单个文字封面之间对疾病的时空解释,《基督徒避难所》是当代对瘟疫理解的简编。本文将基督教避难所作为伦敦印刷市场表达的一种表达,该流行病在此刻引发了变革。作者考虑了《基督教避难所》中的超文本元素,这些元素与1665年鼠疫写作和出版的主要规范有关,并探讨了温斯坦利在著作中的表达方式。温斯坦利长期以来一直被视为传记作家或幽默作家。归因基督徒避难所扩展并挑战了他对其工作的先前看法。



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