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Cochlear implantation in the worlds largest medical device market: Utilization and awareness of cochlear implants in the United States




Provision of cochlear implants (CIs) for those within the criteria for implantation remains lower in the United States than in some other developed nations. When adults and children are grouped together, the rate of utilization/provision remains low at around 6%. For children, the provision rate is about 50% of those who could benefit from an implant, compared with figures of about 90% for the Flanders part of Belgium, the United Kingdom and other European countries. The probable reasons for this underprovision include: low awareness of the benefits of CIs among the population; low awareness among health-care professionals; the lack of specific referral pathways; some political issues relating to the Deaf Community; and financial issues related to health provision. Such financial issues result in situations which either fail to provide for access to implants or provide too low a level of the necessary funding, especially for low-income individuals covered by public health-care programs such as Medicaid. These issues might be mitigated by adoption and publication of standards for best clinical practices for CI provision, availability of current cost-effectiveness data, and the existence of an organization dedicated to cochlear implantation. Such an organization, the American Cochlear Implant Alliance (ACI Alliance), was recently organized and is described in the paper by Niparko et al. in this Supplement.
机译:在美国,为植入标准之内的人工耳蜗提供的人工耳蜗(CIs)仍然低于其他一些发达国家。当成人和儿童归为一组时,利用率/供应率仍然很低,只有6%。对于儿童而言,提供率约为可从植入物中受益的儿童的50%,而比利时,英国和其他欧洲国家的佛兰德地区约为90%。设置不足的可能原因包括:对人群中CI的好处了解不足;保健专业人员的认识不足;缺乏具体的推荐途径;与聋人社区有关的一些政治问题;以及与卫生服务有关的财务问题。此类财务问题导致无法提供植入物的渠道或提供的必要资金水平过低,尤其是对于那些接受公共医疗计划(如医疗补助)的低收入人群。通过采用和发布CI最佳临床实践标准,提供当前成本效益数据以及存在致力于人工耳蜗的组织,可以缓解这些问题。这种组织,即美国人工耳蜗植入联盟(ACI Alliance),是最近成立的,并在Niparko等人的论文中进行了描述。在本补编中。



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