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What moral character is and is not




Louise Mitchell discusses character in “Integrity and virtue: The forming of good character” (The Linacre Quarterly 82, no. 2: 149–169). I argue that she is mistaken in identifying character as a potency and that it is rather the sum of one’s moral habits and dispositions. I establish this by showing that if one correctly applies the division Aristotle presents in the text that Mitchell relies on, it follows that character belongs in the category of habit. I further support this conclusion by considering how people commonly speak of moral character. I then show that the text from the Summa Theologiae Mitchell relies on concerns sacramental character and not moral character; moreover, if we apply the reasoning contained there to moral character, we are again led to see that it should be categorized as a habit. Lastly, I explain that a human being’s potency for character lies in the soul’s rational powers.SummaryI defend the common-sense view that moral character is the sum of one’s moral habits and dispositions in response to Louise Mitchell who maintains that moral character is a potency. I do so by applying Aristotle’s threefold division of things that exist in the soul—namely, potency, habit, and emotion—and also by examining how Aristotle speaks about character and how the average person speaks about character. In addition, I show why humans are the only animals that have the potential to develop character, and how this potential lies in the rational faculties of our soul.
机译:路易丝·米切尔(Louise Mitchell)在“正直与德行:品格的形成”中讨论了性格(《直线加速器季刊》第82期,第2期:149-169页)。我认为她误以为性格是一种能力,而这是一个人的道德习惯和性格的总和。通过证明如果正确地应用了亚里士多德在米切尔所依赖的文本中提出的区分,我可以证明这一点,那就是该字符属于习惯类别。通过考虑人们通常如何谈论道德品格,我进一步支持这一结论。然后,我证明Summa Theologiae Mitchell的案文依靠的是圣餐品格,而不是道德品格。此外,如果我们将其中包含的推理应用于道德品格,我们又被引导去看到它应该被归类为一种习惯。最后,我解释了人的品格能力在于灵魂的理性力量。总结我捍卫常识性观点,即道德品格是一个人的道德习惯和性格的总和,以回应路易斯·米切尔(Louise Mitchell)的主张,道德品格是一种效能。为此,我运用了亚里士多德对灵魂中存在的事物的三重划分,即力量,习惯和情感,还研究了亚里士多德如何谈论品格以及普通人如何谈论品格。此外,我展示了为什么人类是唯一具有发展性格潜能的动物,以及这种潜能如何在于我们灵魂的理性能力。



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