首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Korean Journal of Parasitology >First Paleoparasitological Report on the Animal Feces of Bronze Age Excavated from Shahr-e Sukhteh Iran

First Paleoparasitological Report on the Animal Feces of Bronze Age Excavated from Shahr-e Sukhteh Iran

机译:伊朗Shahr-e Sukhteh出土的青铜时代动物粪便的第一份古寄生虫学报告



Shahr-e Sukhteh (meaning burnt city in Persian) in Iran is an archeological site dated back to around 3,200-1,800 BC. It is located in Sistan and Baluchistan Province of Iran and known as the junction of Bronze Age trade routes crossing the Iranian plateau. It was appointed as current study area for paleoparasitological investigations. Excavations at this site have revealed various archeological materials since 1967. In the present study, sheep and carnivore coprolites excavated from this site were analyzed by means of rehydration technique using TSP solution for finding helminth eggs. Dicrocoelium dendriticum, Capillaria sp., and Taenia sp. eggs were identified, while some other objects similar to Anoplocephalidae and Toxocara spp. eggs were also retrieved from the samples but their measured parameters did not match those of these species. The present paper illustrates the first paleoparasitological findings of Bronze Age in eastern Iran supporting the economic activities, peopling, and communication as well as the appropriate condition for zoonotic helminthiasis life cycle in Shahr-e Sukhteh archeological site.
机译:伊朗的Shahr-e Sukhteh(在波斯语中是被烧毁的城市)是一个考古遗址,其历史可追溯到公元前3200-1800年。它位于伊朗的锡斯坦(Sistan)和Bal路支斯坦(Baluchistan)省,被称为穿越伊朗高原的青铜时代贸易路线的交汇处。它被指定为当前的古生物学研究领域。自1967年以来,该地点的发掘工作已揭示了各种考古材料。在本研究中,使用TSP溶液通过补水技术对从该地点挖掘的绵羊和食肉共生动物进行了分析,以寻找蠕虫卵。 Dicrocoelium dendriticum,Capillaria sp。和Taenia sp。鉴定出卵,而其他一些与无头龙科和弓形虫属相似的物体。还从样品中回收了鸡蛋,但是它们的测量参数与这些物种的参数不匹配。本文阐述了伊朗东部青铜器时代的第一个古岩石学发现,该发现支持了Shahr-e Sukhteh考古现场的经济活动,人文交流和人畜共患蠕虫病生命周期的适当条件。



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