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  • NLM标题: J Hist Med Allied Sci
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  • 机译 迈克尔·阿尔贝蒂(Michael Alberti)和内在感官的医学疗法
    • 作者:Andreas Rydberg
    • 刊名:Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
    • 2019年第3期
    摘要:In the first half of the eighteenth century, the German physician Michael Alberti was responsible for hundreds of dissertations and other works in medicine. While the bulk of the production reflected the dominating medical topics of his time, he also developed an original focus on the internal senses and their effects on bodily health and disease. Depending on whether internal senses, such as imagination and memory, were cultivated in the right way or not, they could work as powerful remedies or as equally powerful triggers of disease and even death. This article explores this little known strand of early modern medicine in three steps. First, it shows that Alberti’s medicine took form in intimate connection to the Stahlian brand of Pietist medicine. As such, it further elaborated an existing strand of medicine that was intimately connected to German Pietism. Second, it analyses in some detail the role of the internal senses from a pathological and therapeutic perspective as well as examining what kind of persona the physician ought to embody. Lastly, it raises larger questions regarding how to understand this strand of early modern medicine. Rather than approaching it from the perspective of disciplinary history, the article seeks to reconstruct it as a part of what has sometimes been referred to as the early modern cultura animi tradition.
  • 机译 比较神经病理学(1962):跨多种物种的神经病理学
    • 作者:Anna Kathryn Schoefert
    • 刊名:Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
    • 2019年第2期
    摘要:This paper takes as its subject Comparative Neuropathology (1962), arguing that the volume illustrates the interlocking cultures of veterinary medicine, human medicine, and laboratory-based biological sciences after the Second World War. The project amassed cases of domestic, experimental, and wild animals, identified species-specific conditions, and evaluated the vulnerabilities of the nervous system to disease and trauma. The collection of ill ruminants, poisoned cats, and injured dogs built on earlier traditions of comparative medicine, but also reflected the turn to biological principles to explain medical conditions, increased industry and military funding for the biomedical sciences, and changes in veterinary practice. Using Comparative Neuropathology as a lens, this paper probes the actors, affiliations, and frameworks that wrestled with new species of neurological patients, newly exposed vulnerabilities of the nervous system, and the emergence of new neurological sciences, casting new light on the heterogenous landscape of the emergent neurosciences and mid-twentieth-century efforts to entwine human and veterinary medicine.
  • 机译 “封闭的生活对一个人的影响非常大”:回忆录,精神错乱和十九世纪末至二十世纪初的监狱
    • 作者:Hilary Marland
    • 刊名:Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
    • 2019年第3期
    摘要:This article explores prisoners’ observations of mental illness in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century British prisons, recorded in memoirs published following their release. The discipline of separate confinement was lauded for its potential to improve prisoners’ minds, inducing reflection and reform, when it was introduced in the 1840s, but in practice led to high levels of mental breakdown. In order to maintain the integrity of the prison system, the prison authorities played down incidences of insanity, while prison chaplains lauded the beneficent influence of cellular isolation. In contrast, as this article demonstrates, prisoners’ memoirs offer insights into the prevalence of mental illness in prison, and its poor management, as well as inmates’ efforts to manage mental distress. As the prison system became more closed, uniform and penal after the 1860s, the volume of such publications increased. Oscar Wilde’s evocative prison writings have attracted considerable attention, but he was only one of many prison authors criticizing the penal system and decrying the damage it inflicted on the mind. Exploration of prison memoirs, it is argued, enhances our understanding of experiences of mental disorder in the underexplored context of the prison, highlighting the prisoners’ voice, agency and advocacy of reform.
  • 机译 在工作台和床头之间:建立美国国立卫生研究院的临床共识,1977–2013年
    • 作者:Todd M Olszewski
    • 刊名:Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
    • 2018年第4期
    摘要:After World War II, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) emerged as a major patron of biomedical research. In the succeeding decades, NIH administrators sought to determine how best to disseminate the findings of the research it supported and manage their relationship with clinicians in the national community. This task of bridging research and practice fell to the Office of Medical Applications of Research (OMAR), which administered the NIH Consensus Development Program (CDP) between 1978 and 2012. This article argues that the CDP represented an unusual attempt to depoliticize biomedical research and medical practice at a particularly controversial time in American medicine. Throughout the program’s existence, administrators sought ways to bring new knowledge to the medical community without creating the appearance of regulating clinical practice. For an agency with a mandate to promote the production of new biomedical knowledge, the question remained open as to how far this responsibility extended from the bench to the bedside. In striking this balance, the leadership sought to refine their understanding of the role and mission of the NIH. The history of the CDP has much to tell us about postwar biomedical research, health politics, and the institutional development of the NIH.
  • 机译 另一种治疗方法:1922-1955年苏联采用噬菌体疗法并生存
    • 作者:Dmitriy Myelnikov
    • 刊名:Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
    • 2018年第4期
    摘要:Felix D’Herelle coined the term bacteriophage in 1917 to characterize a hypothetical viral agent responsible for the mysterious phenomenon of rapid bacterial death. While the viral nature of the “phage” was only widely accepted in the 1940s, attempts to use the phenomenon in treating infections started early. After raising hopes in the interwar years, by 1945 phage therapy had been abandoned almost entirely in the West, until the recent revival of interest in response to the crisis of antibiotic resistance. The use of phage therapy, however, persisted within Soviet medicine, especially in Georgia. This article explains the adoption and survival of phage therapy in the USSR. By focusing on the Tbilisi Institute of Microbiology, Epidemiology and Bacteriophage (now the Eliava Institute), I argue that bacteriophage research appealed to Soviet scientists because it offered an ecological model for understanding bacterial infection. In the 1930s, phage therapy grew firmly imbedded within the infrastructure of Soviet microbiological institutes. During the Second World War, bacteriophage preparations gained practical recognition from physicians and military authorities. At the dawn of the Cold War, the growing scientific isolation of Soviet science protected phage therapy from the contemporary western critiques, and the ecological program of research into bacteriophages continued in Georgia.
  • 机译 令人不快的真相:殖民地英属印度的食品和药品
    • 作者:Sam Goodman
    • 刊名:Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
    • 2018年第2期
    摘要:This article considers the significance of eating and drinking within a series of diaries and journals produced in British colonial India during the Indian Rebellion of 1857. The discussion of food and drink in this context was not simply a means to add color or compelling detail to these accounts, but was instead a vital ingredient of the authors’ understanding of health and medical treatment. These texts suggest a broader colonial medical understanding of the importance of regulating diet to maintain physical health. Concern with food, and the lack thereof, was understandably a key element in diaries, and in the eyewitness accounts kept by British soldiers, doctors, and civilians during the rebellion. At a narrative level, mention of food also functioned as a trope serving to increase dramatic tension and to capture an imagery of fortitude. In references to drink, by contrast, these sources reveal a conflict between professional and lay opinions regarding the use of alcohol as part of medical treatment. The accounts show the persistent use of alcohol both for medicinal and restorative purposes, despite growing social and medical anxieties over its ill-effects on the body. Close examination of these references to food and drink reflect the quotidian habits, social composition, and the extent of professional and lay knowledge of health and medicine in colonial British India.
  • 机译 食品作为药物:20世纪英国的饮食,糖尿病管理和患者
    • 作者:Martin D Moore
    • 刊名:Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
    • 2018年第2期
    摘要:In classic accounts of the development of modern medicine in Europe and North America, the sick person is often portrayed as having a history of disappearance with the rise of the objectified body of the modern patient. To this account, sociologists and historians of medicine have added another for the period after 1950, in which the patient as subjective person “reappears” in medical discourse. However, despite histories of practice and identity revising narratives of disappearance, the patient’s reappearance has largely escaped further assessment. Using an analysis of dietary management in twentieth-century British diabetes care, this article challenges accounts of this reappearance in three ways. Firstly, it argues that discursive interest in the social and psychological aspects of care emerged earlier than suggested. Secondly, it grounds such interest in reconfigured institutional arrangements that were initially designed to rationalize care and improve efficiency. Finally, it argues that patients regularly exceeded the efforts of even an expanded management regime to normalize and regulate life. Food planning, preparation, and consumption continued to sit at the nexus of competing demands that mediated medical efforts to cultivate governable selves and bodies.
  • 机译 风险和声誉:产科医生,剖宫产和同意
    • 作者:Jacqueline H Wolf
    • 刊名:Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
    • 2018年第1期
    摘要:When physicians performed cesarean sections in the nineteenth century, they customarily sought agreement from all present before proceeding. In contrast, after the introduction of electronic fetal monitoring in the late 1960s, obstetricians obtained permission for a cesarean by offering a choice that ensured consent—give birth by cesarean or give birth vaginally to a damaged or dead baby. This article argues that the manner in which physicians obtained consent for cesareans in the nineteenth century was one factor that kept the cesarean rate low, while the manner in which physicians obtained consent in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries was one factor driving up the cesarean rate. The dissimilar approaches to consent did serve a common purpose, however. Each preserved physicians’ reputations. With the surgery likely to end in a woman’s death in the nineteenth century, consensus ensured that a bad outcome would be a shared burden. And because the fetal monitor, in exaggerating the risks of vaginal birth, changed the nature of the malpractice climate for obstetricians, the late-twentieth-century approach to consent similarly protected physicians. As one early twenty-first-century obstetrician quipped, “You don’t get sued for doing a C-section. You get sued for not doing a C-section.”
  • 机译 手术创新和随机对照试验的多种意义:微创性胆囊切除术的第一个RCT(1980-2000年)
    摘要:This article uses the case of the first randomized controlled trial (RCT) evaluating laparoscopic cholecystectomy to investigate the introduction of minimally invasive surgery in the 1990s and explore the meaning of RCTs within the context of the introduction of a new surgical technology. It thus brings together the history of the use of laparoscopic cholecystectomy to remove the gallbladder, and the history of the RCT, shedding light on particular aspects of both. We first situate the RCT in the context of the history of the various treatment options for gallstones, or cholelithiasis, then characterize the specific situation of the rapid, patient-driven spread of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, and in a next step describe how the local context of laparoscopic cholecystectomy as a new technology made it possible and desirable to conduct an RCT, despite numerous obstacles. This article then shows that in order to capture and understand the rationale of an RCT it is worth it to explore the various levels and dimensions of its context, demonstrating how even the RCT as an ostensibly universal tool draws its meaning from its contexts and that this meaning goes beyond the simple determination of efficiency and safety, including, maybe most importantly, the control and management of new technologies.
  • 机译 梅利莎·斯坦(Melissa N.测量男子气概:种族与男子气概科学,1830-1934年
    • 作者:Martin Summers
    • 刊名:Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
    • 2016年第3期
  • 机译 对蚊子发动战争:1899–1920年法国西非的科学研究与蚊子旅的形成
    • 作者:Christian Strother
    • 刊名:Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
    • 2016年第4期
    摘要:While the majority of colonial public health officials in Africa intermittently used measures for mosquito containment, the government of French West Africa made the creation of what were called mosquito brigades into a vital element of urban sanitary policy. The project seemed to offer a chance to curb the impact of mosquito-borne disease on the colonial economy. Yet, despite the full support of sanitary policy on the federal, colonial, and local levels, the government found that conducting a “War on Mosquitoes” was far more difficult than they originally envisioned. The colonial government's mosquito brigades were understaffed and often ran into resistance from both the African and European populations. Above all, the government's urban mosquito control programs failed because their goal of controlling the breeding of mosquitoes lay beyond the limited capabilities of the both local government and the Federation's health and sanitation services. This paper will examine the origins and fate of the French West African mosquito brigades and provide a context for analyzing their atypical place among colonial efforts at malaria prevention.
  • 机译 迈克尔·斯托伯格。近代欧洲的泌尿外科
    • 作者:Peter J. Smith
    • 刊名:Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
    • 2016年第3期
  • 机译 Tamara Giles-Vernick,L。A. James和J. R. Webb编辑。非洲的全球卫生:疾病控制的历史观点Ruth J. Prince和Rebecca Marsland编辑。非洲的造与非造公共卫生:人种学和历史观点温泽尔·盖斯勒(Wenzel Geissler)编辑。准州与医学:使非洲全球健康
    • 作者:Kalala Ngalamulume
    • 刊名:Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
    • 2016年第3期
  • 机译 对抗细胞理论的显微镜:19世纪巴黎解剖病理学中的癌症研究
    • 作者:Laurent Loison
    • 刊名:Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
    • 2016年第3期
    摘要:This paper examines the reception of cell theory in the field of French anatomical pathology. This reception is studied under the lens of the concept of the cancer cell, which was developed in Paris in the 1840s. In the medical field, cell theory was quickly accessible, understood, and discussed. In the wake of research by Hermann Lebert, the cancer cell concept was supported by a wealth of high-quality microscopic observations. The concept was constructed in opposition to cell theory, which appears retrospectively paradoxical and surprising. Indeed, the biological atomism inherent in cell theory, according to which the cell is the elementary unit of all organs of living bodies, appeared at the time incompatible with the possible existence of pathological cells without equivalent in healthy tissues. Thus, the postulate of atomism was used as an argument by Parisian clinicians who denied the value of the cancer cell. This study shows that at least in the field of anatomical pathology, cell theory did not directly result from the use of the microscope but was actually hindered by it.
  • 机译 黛安·凯塞尔(Diane Kiesel)。她可以带我们回家:民权先锋Dorothy Boulding Ferebee博士
    • 作者:Susan L. Smith
    • 刊名:Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
    • 2016年第3期
  • 机译 布里迪·安德鲁斯。 1830-1960年的现代中医药学研究。驴与马:中国现代斗争中的医学
    • 作者:Howard Chiang
    • 刊名:Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
    • 2016年第3期
  • 机译 S.D.羔羊精神病理学家:阿道夫·迈耶与美国精神病学的起源
    • 作者:Susan Lanzoni
    • 刊名:Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
    • 2016年第3期
  • 机译 血液试验:1890–1920年在非洲进行的输血,注射和实验
    • 作者:Thaddeus Sunseri
    • 刊名:Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
    • 2016年第3期
    摘要:From about 1880 to 1920, a culture of medical experimentation promoted blood transfusion as a therapy for severe anemia in Europe, which was applied in German East Africa in 1892 for a case of blackwater fever, a complication of malaria afflicting mainly Europeans. This first case of blood transfusion in Africa, in which an African's blood was transfused into a German official, complicates the dominant narrative that blood transfusions in Africa came only after World War I. Medical researchers moreover experimented with blood serum therapies on human and animal subjects in Europe and Africa, injecting blood of different species, “races” and ethnicities into others to demonstrate parasite transmissibility and to discover vaccines for diseases such as malaria, sleeping sickness, and yellow fever. While research in German colonies is highlighted here, this was a transnational medical culture that crossed borders and oceans. This research is of interest as a possible early pathway for the epidemic spread of HIV and other zoonoses in Africa and the world, which biomedical researchers have identified as emerging in West-Central Africa sometime around the turn of the twentieth century.
  • 机译 城市中的健康:1915年至1930年在纽约市的种族,贫困与妇女健康的谈判
    • 作者:James Colgrove
    • 刊名:Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
    • 2016年第2期
  • 机译 医学的锁与钥匙:单克隆抗体与医疗保健的变革
    • 作者:Scott H. Podolsky
    • 刊名:Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
    • 2016年第2期


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