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Quality of osmotically pre-treated and vacuum dried pineapple cubes on storage as influenced by type of solutes and packaging materials




The quality and stability of osmotically pre-treated and subsequently vacuum dried pineapple cubes using three different solutes and packed in three different types of packaging materials on storage was evaluated. The experiment was laid out in completely randomized block design with two factors and three replications for each treatment. Treatment combinations were considered as one factor and storage interval as another factor. Pineapple cubes stored in glass bottle showed very little percentage variation in moisture content due to its high moisture barrier properties. In all treatment combination, acidity values were invariably found to increase as the storage progressed. For all three different osmotic treatments, HDPE pouch packet always showed highest acidity followed by PVDC pouch. Again among three solutes under consideration, invert sugar recorded a rapid increase in acidity than other solutes. In pineapple cubes osmotically treated with sucrose solution, the rates of decrease of total sugar content were lower than that of invert sugar and sorbitol treated pineapple cubes. The percentage decrease of total sugar content was highest when the osmotically dehydrated pineapple cubes were packed in HDPE pouch and it was least in glass bottles. There was a gradual decrease in ascorbic acid content with the extension of storage period and this decrease was statistically significant at all storage intervals up to six-month. Lowest value of ascorbic acid content (15.210 mg per 100 g initial solid) was recorded in invert sugar treated pineapple cube packed in HDPE pouch after 6 months of storage.
机译:评估了使用三种不同溶质进行渗透预处理和随后真空干燥的菠萝块的质量和稳定性,并将其包装在三种不同类型的包装材料中进行存储。实验采用完全随机区组设计,每个处理有两个因素和三个重复。处理组合被视为一个因素,存储间隔被视为另一个因素。由于玻璃瓶中的菠萝具有很高的防潮性能,因此其水分含量的百分比变化很小。在所有处理组合中,总是发现酸度值随储存的进行而增加。对于所有三种不同的渗透处理,HDPE袋包装始终显示最高的酸度,其次是PVDC袋。在考虑中的三种溶质中,转化糖的酸度也比其他溶质迅速增加。在蔗糖溶液渗透处理的菠萝块中,总糖含量的降低速率低于转化糖和山梨醇处理过的菠萝块。当渗透脱水的菠萝块装在HDPE袋中时,总糖含量的降低百分比最高,而在玻璃瓶中则最小。随着贮藏时间的延长,抗坏血酸含量逐渐减少,并且在直至六个月的所有贮藏间隔中,这种减少都具有统计学意义。在存放6个月后,用HDPE袋包装的经转化糖处理的菠萝块记录了最低的抗坏血酸含量值(每100 g初始固体为15.210 mg)。



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