首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Pollution Level and Health Risk Assessment of PM2.5-Bound Metals in Baoding City Before and After the Heating Period

Pollution Level and Health Risk Assessment of PM2.5-Bound Metals in Baoding City Before and After the Heating Period




In order to assess the pollution levels and health risks of PM2.5-bound metals in Baoding City before and after the heating period, samples were collected in 2016 at Hebei University from September 25th to November 14th during the non-heating period, and November 15th to December 26th during the heating period, respectively. ICP-MS was applied to analyze seven heavy metals (Cr, Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni, Cd and Fe). The statistical analysis, enrichment factor (EF), pollution load index method, and Risk Assessment Method proposed by U.S. EPA were used to evaluate the non-carcinogenic risks of six of these heavy metals (Cr, Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni and Cd) and carcinogenic risks of three of these heavy metals (Cr, Ni and Cd). The results showed three main results. First, the average daily PM2.5 concentrations of the national air monitoring stations was 155.66 μg·m−3 which was 2.08 times as high as that of the second level criterion in China (75 μg·m−3) during the observation period. Compared with the non-heating period, all heavy metals concentrations increased during heating period. The growth rates of Pb and Ni were the highest and the lowest, which were 88.03 and 5.11 percent, respectively. Second, the results of enrichment factor indicated that the EF values of all heavy metals were higher during the heating period in comparison with during the non-heating period, but the degree of enrichment of all heavy metals remained unchanged. Not only those, Cr and Ni were minimally enriched and were affected by both human and natural factors, Pb, Cu and Zn were significantly enriched and were mainly affected by human factors, the enrichment of Cd was much higher than that of the other heavy metals, exhibiting extremely high enrichment, mainly due to human factors during the whole sampling period. The results of the pollution load index indicated that the proportions of the number of highly and very highly polluted PM2.5-bound metals were the highest during the heating period, while the proportion of moderately polluted PM2.5-bound metals was the highest during the non-heating period. The combined pollution degree of heavy metals was more serious during the heating period. Third, according to the health risk assessment model, we concluded that the non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks caused by inhalation exposure were the highest and by dermal exposure were the lowest for all kinds of people. The overall non-carcinogenic risk of heavy metals via inhalation and subsequent ingestion exposure caused significant harm to children during the non-heating and the heating periods, and the risk values were 2.64, 4.47, 1.20 and 1.47, respectively. Pb and Cr exhibited the biggest contributions to the non-carcinogenic risk. All the above non-carcinogenic risks exceeded the standard limits suggested by EPA (HI or HQ < 1). The carcinogenic risk via inhalation exposure to children, adult men and women were 2.10 × 10−4, 1.80 × 10−4, and 1.03 × 10−4 during the non-heating period, respectively, and 2.52 × 10−4, 2.16 × 10−4 and 1.23 × 10−4 during the heating period, respectively. All the above carcinogenic risks exceeded the threshold ranges (10−6~10−4), and Cr posed a carcinogenic risk to all people.
机译:为了评估保定市供暖前后含PM2.5的金属的污染水平和健康风险,2016年9月25日至11月14日在非供暖期间以及11月在河北大学采集了样本加热期间分别为15日至12月26日。 ICP-MS用于分析七种重金属(Cr,Zn,Cu,Pb,Ni,Cd和Fe)。使用美国环境保护署提出的统计分析,富集因子(EF),污染负荷指数方法和风险评估方法来评估这六种重金属(铬,锌,铜,铅,镍和镉)的非致癌风险。 )和其中三种重金属(铬,镍和镉)的致癌风险。结果显示了三个主要结果。首先,国家空气监测站的平均PM2.5日平均浓度为155.66μg·m -3 ,是中国二级标准(75μg·m -3)的2.08倍sup> -3 )。与非加热期相比,加热期所有重金属的浓度均增加。 Pb和Ni的增长率最高和最低,分别为88.03和5.11%。其次,富集因子的结果表明,与非加热期间相比,加热期间所有重金属的EF值均较高,但所有重金属的富集程度均保持不变。不仅铬和镍的富集程度最低,而且受人为和自然因素的影响,铅,铜和锌的富集程度显着且主要受人为因素的影响,镉的富集度远高于其他重金属。 ,表现出极高的浓缩度,主要是由于在整个采样期间的人为因素。污染负荷指数的结果表明,在加热期间,高污染和高污染PM2.5结合金属的数量比例最高,而中度污染PM2.5结合金属的比例最高。非加热期。加热期间重金属的综合污染程度更为严重。第三,根据健康风险评估模型,我们得出结论,对于所有人,吸入暴露引起的非致癌和致癌风险最高,而皮肤暴露引起的非致癌风险最低。在不加热和加热期间,通过吸入和随后的摄入暴露引起的重金属总体非致癌风险对儿童造成了重大伤害,风险值分别为2.64、4.47、1.20和1.47。铅和铬对非致癌风险的贡献最大。以上所有非致癌风险均超过了EPA建议的标准限值(HI或HQ <1)。吸入暴露于儿童,成年男女的致癌风险为2.10×10 −4 ,1.80×10 −4 和1.03×10 −4 < / sup>在非加热期间分别为2.52×10 −4 ,2.16×10 −4 和1.23×10 −4 >分别在加热期间。以上所有致癌风险均超过阈值范围(10 −6 〜10 −4 ),Cr对所有人构成致癌风险。



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