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  • 机译 在波动的热状态下对温度脉冲的即时转录响应
    摘要:The response of ectotherms to temperature stress is complex, non-linear, and is influenced by life stage and previous thermal exposure. Mortality is higher under constant low temperatures than under a fluctuating thermal regime (FTR) that maintains the same low temperature but adds a brief, daily pulse of increased temperature. Long term exposure to FTR has been shown to increase transcription of genes involved in oxidative stress, immune function, and metabolic pathways, which may aid in recovery from chill injury and oxidative damage. Previous research suggests the transcriptional response that protects against sub-lethal damage occurs rapidly under exposure to fluctuating temperatures. However, existing studies have only examined gene expression after a week or over many months. Here we characterize gene expression during a single temperature cycle under FTR. Development of pupating alfalfa leafcutting bees (Megachile rotundata) was interrupted at the red-eye stage and were transferred to 6°C with a 1-h pulse to 20°C and returned to 6°C. RNA was collected before, during, and after the temperature pulse and compared to pupae maintained at a static 6°C. The warm pulse is sufficient to cause expression of transcripts that repair cell membrane damage, modify membrane composition, produce antifreeze proteins, restore ion homeostasis, and respond to oxidative stress. This pattern of expression indicates that even brief exposure to warm temperatures has significant protective effects on insects exposed to stressful cold temperatures that persist beyond the warm pulse. Megachile rotundata’s sensitivity to temperature fluctuations indicates that short exposures to temperature changes affect development and physiology. Genes associated with developmental patterning are expressed after the warm pulse, suggesting that 1 h at 20°C was enough to resume development in the pupae. The greatest difference in gene expression occurred between pupae collected after the warm pulse and at constant low temperatures. Although both were collected at the same time and temperature, the transcriptional response to one FTR cycle included multiple transcripts previously identified under long-term FTR exposure associated with recovery from chill injury, indicating that the effects of FTR occur rapidly and are persistent.
  • 机译 梳理转录组深海生存的秘密:环境多样性驱动蛋白质进化的模式。
    摘要:Ctenophores, also known as comb jellies, live across extremely broad ranges of temperature and hydrostatic pressure in the ocean. Because various ctenophore lineages adapted independently to similar environmental conditions, Phylum Ctenophora is an ideal system for the study of protein adaptation to extreme environments in a comparative framework. We present such a study here, using a phylogenetically-informed method to compare sequences of four essential metabolic enzymes across gradients of habitat depth and temperature. This method predicts convergent adaptation to these environmental parameters at the amino acid level, providing a novel view of protein adaptation to extreme environments and demonstrating the power and relevance of phylogenetic comparison applied to multi-species transcriptomic datasets from early-diverging metazoa. Across all four enzymes analyzed, 46 amino acid sites were associated with depth-adaptation, 59 with temperature-adaptation, and 56 with both. Sites predicted to be depth- and temperature-adaptive occurred consistently near Rossmann fold cofactor binding motifs and disproportionately in solvent-exposed regions of the protein. These results suggest that the hydrophobic effect and ligand binding may mediate efficient enzyme function at different hydrostatic pressures and temperatures. Using predicted adaptive site maps, such mechanistic hypotheses can now be tested via mutagenesis.
  • 机译 受生物启发的复合超细纤维,在光滑表面上具有牢固且可逆的粘合力
    摘要:A novel approach for high-performance gecko-inspired adhesives for strong and reversible adhesion to smooth surfaces is proposed. The composite patterns comprising elastomeric mushroom-shaped microfibers decorated with an extremely soft and thin terminal layer of pressure sensitive adhesive. Through the optimal tip shape and improved load sharing, the adhesion performance was greatly enhanced. A high adhesion strength of 300 kPa together with superior durability on smooth surfaces are achieved, outperforming monolithic fibers by 35 times. Our concept of composite microfibrillar adhesives provides significant benefits for real world applications including wearable medical devices, transfer printing systems, and robotic manipulation.
  • 机译 形状和集成的高密度形态计量分析:好,坏和并非真正的问题
    摘要:The field of comparative morphology has entered a new phase with the rapid generation of high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) data. With freely available 3D data of thousands of species, methods for quantifying morphology that harness this rich phenotypic information are quickly emerging. Among these techniques, high-density geometric morphometric approaches provide a powerful and versatile framework to robustly characterize shape and phenotypic integration, the covariances among morphological traits. These methods are particularly useful for analyses of complex structures and across disparate taxa, which may share few landmarks of unambiguous homology. However, high-density geometric morphometrics also brings challenges, for example, with statistical, but not biological, covariances imposed by placement and sliding of semilandmarks and registration methods such as Procrustes superimposition. Here, we present simulations and case studies of high-density datasets for squamates, birds, and caecilians that exemplify the promise and challenges of high-dimensional analyses of phenotypic integration and modularity. We assess: (1) the relative merits of “big” high-density geometric morphometrics data over traditional shape data; (2) the impact of Procrustes superimposition on analyses of integration and modularity; and (3) differences in patterns of integration between analyses using high-density geometric morphometrics and those using discrete landmarks. We demonstrate that for many skull regions, 20–30 landmarks and/or semilandmarks are needed to accurately characterize their shape variation, and landmark-only analyses do a particularly poor job of capturing shape variation in vault and rostrum bones. Procrustes superimposition can mask modularity, especially when landmarks covary in parallel directions, but this effect decreases with more biologically complex covariance patterns. The directional effect of landmark variation on the position of the centroid affects recovery of covariance patterns more than landmark number does. Landmark-only and landmark-plus-sliding-semilandmark analyses of integration are generally congruent in overall pattern of integration, but landmark-only analyses tend to show higher integration between adjacent bones, especially when landmarks placed on the sutures between bones introduces a boundary bias. Allometry may be a stronger influence on patterns of integration in landmark-only analyses, which show stronger integration prior to removal of allometric effects compared to analyses including semilandmarks. High-density geometric morphometrics has its challenges and drawbacks, but our analyses of simulated and empirical datasets demonstrate that these potential issues are unlikely to obscure genuine biological signal. Rather, high-density geometric morphometric data exceed traditional landmark-based methods in characterization of morphology and allow more nuanced comparisons across disparate taxa. Combined with the rapid increases in 3D data availability, high-density morphometric approaches have immense potential to propel a new class of studies of comparative morphology and phenotypic integration.
  • 机译 温度敏感繁殖与母亲诅咒的生理进化潜力
    摘要:Strict maternal transmission of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is hypothesized to permit the accumulation of mitochondrial variants that are deleterious to males but not females, a phenomenon called mother’s curse. However, direct evidence that mtDNA mutations exhibit such sexually antagonistic fitness effects is sparse. Male-specific mutational effects can occur when the physiological requirements of the mitochondria differ between the sexes. Such male-specific effects could potentially occur if sex-specific cell types or tissues have energy requirements that are differentially impacted by mutations affecting energy metabolism. Here we summarize findings from a model mitochondrial–nuclear incompatibility in the fruit fly Drosophila that demonstrates sex-biased effects, but with deleterious effects that are generally larger in females. We present new results showing that the mitochondrial–nuclear incompatibility does negatively affect male fertility, but only when males are developed at high temperatures. The temperature-dependent male sterility can be partially rescued by diet, suggesting an energetic basis. Finally, we discuss fruitful paths forward in understanding the physiological scope for sex-specific effects of mitochondrial mutations in the context of the recent discovery that many aspects of metabolism are sexually dimorphic and downstream of sex-determination pathways in Drosophila. A key parameter of these models that remains to be quantified is the fraction of mitochondrial mutations with truly male-limited fitness effects across extrinsic and intrinsic environments. Given the energy demands of reproduction in females, only a small fraction of the mitochondrial mutational spectrum may have the potential to contribute to mother’s curse in natural populations.
  • 机译 机械复杂系统的演化动力学
    • 作者:Martha M Muñoz
    • 刊名:Integrative and Comparative Biology
    • 2019年第3期
    摘要:Animals use a diverse array of motion to feed, escape predators, and reproduce. Linking morphology, performance, and fitness is a foundational paradigm in organismal biology and evolution. Yet, the influence of mechanical relationships on evolutionary diversity remains unresolved. Here, I focus on the many-to-one mapping of form to function, a widespread, emergent property of many mechanical systems in nature, and discuss how mechanical redundancy influences the tempo and mode of phenotypic evolution. By supplying many possible morphological pathways for functional adaptation, many-to-one mapping can release morphology from selection on performance. Consequently, many-to-one mapping decouples morphological and functional diversification. In fish, for example, parallel morphological evolution is weaker for traits that contribute to mechanically redundant motions, like suction feeding performance, than for systems with one-to-one form–function relationships, like lower jaw lever ratios. As mechanical complexity increases, historical factors play a stronger role in shaping evolutionary trajectories. Many-to-one mapping, however, does not always result in equal freedom of morphological evolution. The kinematics of complex systems can often be reduced to variation in a few traits of high mechanical effect. In various different four-bar linkage systems, for example, mechanical output (kinematic transmission) is highly sensitive to size variation in one or two links, and insensitive to variation in the others. In four-bar linkage systems, faster rates of evolution are biased to traits of high mechanical effect. Mechanical sensitivity also results in stronger parallel evolution—evolutionary transitions in mechanical output are coupled with transition in linkages of high mechanical effect. In other words, the evolutionary dynamics of complex systems can actually approximate that of simpler, one-to-one systems when mechanical sensitivity is strong. When examined in a macroevolutionary framework, the same mechanical system may experience distinct selective pressures in different groups of organisms. For example, performance tradeoffs are stronger for organisms that use the same mechanical structure for more functions. In general, stronger performance tradeoffs result in less phenotypic diversity in the system and, sometimes, a slower rate of evolution. These macroevolutionary trends can contribute to unevenness in functional and lineage diversity across the tree of life. Finally, I discuss how the evolution of mechanical systems informs our understanding of the relative roles of determinism and contingency in evolution.
  • 机译 毛细胞的高时间:感官毛细胞研讨会简介
    摘要:Sensory hair cells are highly specialized cells that form the basis for our senses of hearing, orientation to gravity, and perception of linear acceleration (head translation in space) and angular acceleration (head rotation). In many species of fish and aquatic amphibians, hair cells mediate perception of water movement through the lateral line system, and electroreceptors derived from hair cell precursors mediate electric field detection. In tunicates, cells of the mechanosensory coronal organ on the incurrent siphon meet the structural, functional, and developmental criteria to be described as hair cells, and they function to deflect large particles from entering the animal. The past two decades have witnessed significant breakthroughs in our understanding of hair cell biology and how their specialized structures influence their functions. This symposium combines the approaches of developmental biology, evolutionary biology, and physiology to share the gains of recent research in understanding hair cell function in different model systems. We brought together researchers working on sensory hair cells in organisms spanning the chordates in order to examine the depth and breadth of hair cell evolution. It is clear that these specialized cells serve a range of functions in different animals, due to evolutionary tinkering with a basic specialized cell type. This collection of papers will serve to mark the progress that has been made in this field and also stimulate the next wave of progress in this exciting field.
  • 机译 感官毛细胞:结构与生理学导论
    • 作者:Duane R McPherson
    • 刊名:Integrative and Comparative Biology
    • 2018年第2期
    摘要:Sensory hair cells are specialized secondary sensory cells that mediate our senses of hearing, balance, linear acceleration, and angular acceleration (head rotation). In addition, hair cells in fish and amphibians mediate sensitivity to water movement through the lateral line system, and closely related electroreceptive cells mediate sensitivity to low-voltage electric fields in the aquatic environment of many fish species and several species of amphibian. Sensory hair cells share many structural and functional features across all vertebrate groups, while at the same time they are specialized for employment in a wide variety of sensory tasks. The complexity of hair cell structure is large, and the diversity of hair cell applications in sensory systems exceeds that seen for most, if not all, sensory cell types. The intent of this review is to summarize the more significant structural features and some of the more interesting and important physiological mechanisms that have been elucidated thus far. Outside vertebrates, hair cells are only known to exist in the coronal organ of tunicates. Electrical resonance, electromotility, and their exquisite mechanical sensitivity all contribute to the attractiveness of hair cells as a research subject.
  • 机译 空间显式模型显示了Titin刚度如何调节肌肉力学和能量学
    摘要:In striated muscle, the giant protein titin spans the entire length of a half-sarcomere and extends from the backbone of the thick filament, reversibly attaches to the thin filaments, and anchors to the dense protein network of the z-disk capping the end of the half-sarcomere. However, little is known about the relationship between the basic mechanical properties of titin and muscle contractility. Here, we build upon our previous multi-filament, spatially explicit computational model of the half-sarcomere by incorporating the nonlinear mechanics of titin filaments in the I-band. We vary parameters of the nonlinearity to understand the effects of titin stiffness on contraction dynamics and efficiency. We do so by simulating isometric contraction for a range of sarcomere lengths (SLs; 1.6–3.25 µm). Intermediate values of titin stiffness accurately reproduce the passive force–SL relation for skeletal muscle. The maximum force–SL relation is not affected by titin for SL≤2.5 µm. However, as titin stiffness increases, maximum force for the four thick filament system at SL = 3.0 µm significantly decreases from 103.2 ± 2 to 58.8 ± 1 pN. Additionally, by monitoring ATP consumption, we measure contraction efficiency as a function of titin stiffness. We find that at SL = 3.0 µm, efficiency significantly decreases from 13.9 ± 0.4 to 7.0 ± 0.3 pN/ATP when increasing titin stiffness, with little or no effect below 2.5 µm. Taken together, our results suggest that, despite an increase in the fraction of motors bound to actin along the descending limb when titin is stiffer, the force-generating capacity of the motors is reduced. These results suggest that titin stiffness has the potential to affect contractile efficiency.
  • 机译 筋膜长度变化时可能会发生肌筋膜负荷
    摘要:Many studies have shown that connective tissue linkages can transmit force between synergistic muscles and that such force transmission depends on the position of these muscles relative to each other and on properties of their intermuscular connective tissues. Moving neighboring muscles has been reported to cause longitudinal deformations within passive muscles held at a constant muscle–tendon unit (MTU) length (e.g., soleus [SO]), but muscle forces were not directly measured. Deformations do not provide a direct measure of the force transmitted between muscles. We combined two different muscle preparations to assess whether myofascial loads exerted by neighboring muscles result in length changes of SO fascicles. We investigated the effects of proximal MTU length changes of two-joint gastrocnemius (GA) and plantaris (PL) muscles on the fascicle length of the one-joint SO muscle within (1) an intact muscle compartment and (2) a disrupted compartment that allowed measurements of fascicle length and distal tendon force of SO simultaneously. SO muscle bellies of Wistar rats (n = 5) were implanted with sonomicrometry crystals. In three animals, connectivity between SO and GA+PL was enhanced. Measurements were performed before and during maximal excitation of all plantar flexor muscles. In both setups, MTU length of GA+PL did not affect the length of SO fascicles, neither during passive nor active conditions. However, lengthening the MTU of GA+PL increased distal tendon force of SO by 43.3–97.8% (P < 0.001) and 27.5–182.6% (P < 0.001), respectively. This indicates that substantial myofascial force transmission between SO and synergistic muscle can occur via a connective tissue network running parallel to the series of SO sarcomeres without substantial length changes of SO fascicles.
  • 机译 大小,历史依赖,激活和三维效应对循环肌肉收缩过程中产生的功和功率的影响
    摘要:Muscles undergo cycles of length change and force development during locomotion, and these contribute to their work and power production to drive body motion. Muscle fibers are typically considered to be linear actuators whose stress depends on their length, velocity, and activation state, and whose properties can be scaled up to explain the function of whole muscles. However, experimental and modeling studies have shown that a muscle’s stress additionally depends on inactive and passive tissues within the muscle, the muscle’s size, and its previous contraction history. These effects have not been tested under common sets of contraction conditions, especially the cyclic contractions that are typical of locomotion. Here we evaluate the relative effects of size, history-dependent, activation and three-dimensional effects on the work and power produced during cyclic contractions of muscle models. Simulations of muscle contraction were optimized to generate high power outputs: this resulted in the muscle models being largely active during shortening, and inactive during lengthening. As such, the history-dependent effects were dominated by force depression during simulated active shortening rather than force enhancement during active stretch. Internal work must be done to deform the muscle tissue, and to accelerate the internal muscle mass, resulting in reduced power and work that can be done on an external load. The effect of the muscle mass affects the scaling of muscle properties, with the inertial costs of contraction being relatively greater at larger sizes and lower activation levels.
  • 机译 了解Corti器官的分子进化和发育可以为听力恢复提供线索
    摘要:The mammalian hearing organ is a stereotyped cellular assembly with orderly innervation: two types of spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) innervate two types of differentially distributed hair cells (HCs). HCs and SGNs evolved from single neurosensory cells through gene multiplication and diversification. Independent regulation of HCs and neuronal differentiation through expression of basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors (bHLH TFs: Atoh1, Neurog1, Neurod1) led to the evolution of vestibular HC assembly and their unique type of innervation. In ancestral mammals, a vestibular organ was transformed into the organ of Corti (OC) containing a single row of inner HC (IHC), three rows of outer HCs (OHCs), several unique supporting cell types, and a peculiar innervation distribution. Restoring the OC following long-term hearing loss is complicated by the fact that the entire organ is replaced by a flat epithelium and requires reconstructing the organ from uniform undifferentiated cell types, recapitulating both evolution and development. Finding the right sequence of gene activation during development that is useful for regeneration could benefit from an understanding of the OC evolution. Toward this end, we report on Foxg1 and Lmx1a mutants that radically alter the OC cell assembly and its innervation when mutated and may have driven the evolutionary reorganization of the basilar papilla into an OC in ancestral Therapsids. Furthermore, genetically manipulating the level of bHLH TFs changes HC type and distribution and allows inference how transformation of HCs might have happened evolutionarily. We report on how bHLH TFs regulate OHC/IHC and how misexpression (Atoh1-Cre; Atoh1f/kiNeurog1) alters HC fate and supporting cell development. Using mice with altered HC types and distribution, we demonstrate innervation changes driven by HC patterning. Using these insights, we speculate on necessary steps needed to convert a random mixture of post-mitotic precursors into the orderly OC through spatially and temporally regulated critical bHLH genes in the context of other TFs to restore normal innervation patterns.
  • 机译 神经C移植揭示了穴鱼发育中的关键作用
    摘要:Evolutionary changes in Astyanax mexicanus cavefish with respect to conspecific surface fish, including the regression of eyes, loss of pigmentation, and modification of the cranial skeleton, involve derivatives of the neural crest. However, the role of neural crest cells in cavefish evolution and development is poorly understood. One of the reasons is that experimental methods for neural crest analysis are not well developed in the Astyanax system. Here we describe neural crest transplantation between Astyanax surface fish and cavefish embryos. We found differences in the migration of cranial neural crest cells transplanted from the surface fish anterior hindbrain to the same region of surface fish or cavefish hosts. Cranial neural crest cells migrated extensively throughout the head, and to a lesser extent the trunk, in surface fish hosts but their migration was mostly restricted to the anterior and dorsal head regions in cavefish hosts. Cranial neural crest cells derived from the surface fish transplants invaded the degenerating eyes of cavefish hosts, resulting in increased eye size and suggesting that cavefish neural crest cells are defective in forming optic derivatives. We found that melanophores were formed in albino cavefish from grafts of surface fish trunk neural crest cells, showing that the cavefish tissue environment is conducive for pigment cell development, and implicating intrinsic changes in cavefish neural crest cells in loss of body pigmentation. It is concluded that changes in neural crest cells play key roles in the evolution of cavefish development.
  • 机译 单色拟足类Smilla empusa中视蛋白的序列,结构和表达
    摘要:Most stomatopod crustaceans have complex retinas in their compound eyes, with up to 16 spectral types of photoreceptors, but members of the superfamily Squilloidea have much simpler retinas, thought to contain a single photoreceptor spectral class. In the Atlantic stomatopod Squilla empusa, microspectrophotometry shows that all photoreceptors absorb light maximally at 517 nm, indicating that a single visual pigment is present in all photoreceptors in the retina. However, six distinct, but partial, long wavelength sensitive (LWS) opsin transcripts, which encode the protein component of the visual pigment, have been previously isolated through RT-PCR. In order to investigate the spectral and functional differences among S. empusa’s opsins, we used RT-PCR to complete the 3′ end of sequences for five of the six expressed opsins. The extended sequences spanned from the first transmembrane (TM1) helix to the 3′ end of the coding region. Using homology-based modeling, we predicted the three-dimensional structure of the amino acid translation of the S. empusa opsins. Based on these analyses, S. empusa LWS opsins share a high sequence identity in TM regions and in amino acids within 15 Å of the chromophore-binding lysine on TM helix 7 (TM7), suggesting that these opsins produce spectrally similar visual pigments in agreement with previous results. However, we propose that these spectrally similar opsins differ functionally, as there are non-conservative amino acid substitutions found in intracellular loop 2 (ICL2) and TM5/ICL3, which are critical regions for G-protein binding, and substitutions in extracellular regions suggest different chromophore attachment affinities. In situ hybridization of two of the opsins (Se5 and Se6) revealed strong co-expression in all photoreceptors in both midband and peripheral regions of the retina as well as in selected ocular and cerebral ganglion neuropils. These data suggest the expression of multiple opsins—likely spectrally identical, but functionally different—in multiple types of neuronal cells in S. empusa. This suggests that the multiple opsins characteristic of other stomatopod species may have similar functional specialization.
  • 机译 与科学家一起开发互动展品:探索者馆生命科学收藏馆的三个示例合作
    摘要:Science museums have made a concerted effort to work with researchers to incorporate current scientific findings and practices into informal learning opportunities for museum visitors. Many of these efforts have focused on creating opportunities and support for researchers to interact face-to-face with the public through, for example, speaker series, community forums, and engineering competitions. However, there are other means by which practicing scientists can find a voice on the museum floor—through the design and development of exhibits. Here we describe how researchers and museum professionals have worked together to create innovative exhibit experiences for an interactive science museum. For each example: scientist as (1) data providers, (2) advisors, and (3) co-developers, we highlight essential components for a successful partnership and pitfalls to avoid when collaborating on museum exhibits. Not many museums prototype and build their own exhibits like the Exploratorium. In those cases, there may be similar opportunities in more mediated offerings such as public demonstrations or lectures or in other formats that allow for direct interactions between scientists and visitors. We believe there are many opportunities for researchers to share natural phenomena, to advise on exhibit development and interpretation, to provide much needed materials, and to otherwise incorporate authentic research into the learning experiences at museums, no matter what the format.
  • 机译 勘误表
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:Integrative and Comparative Biology
    • 2018年第1期
  • 机译 通过科学和数据可视化邀请查询和探索的通信原理
    • 作者:Eric Rodenbeck
    • 刊名:Integrative and Comparative Biology
    • 2018年第6期
    摘要:Science, in the popular imagination, is about finding answers to questions. Scientists make discoveries, develop theories, and deliver those discoveries and theories to audiences with an interest in the truth as backed up by science. Well-designed data visualization (dataviz), by contrast, can generate and address not only new questions but new kinds of questions. It has the particular quality of allowing its viewers, users, and makers the ability to generate new inquiries, and to put them in a better place to answer them. Dataviz offers esthetic and interactive platforms for discussion and inquiry that can help scientists to both do their work and better communicate their work to broader audiences. Here I will illustrate and examine case studies from multiple points along the rich and varied possibility space that opens up when science and dataviz work together. I will also introduce three communication principles that I have learned from my involvement with hundreds of dataviz projects over the years. Well-designed dataviz can help scientists and those involved with science find ways to navigate the multiple competing interests and priorities inherent in both communication to non-scientists and exploratory data-rich interfaces.
  • 机译 城市生态学的新框架:对人为变化的近期和最终反应的整合
    摘要:As urban areas continue to grow, understanding how species respond and adapt to urban habitats is becoming increasingly important. Knowledge of the mechanisms behind observed phenotypic changes of urban-dwelling animals will enable us to better evaluate the impact of urbanization on current and future generations of wildlife and predict how animals respond to novel environments. Recently, urban ecology has emerged not only as a means of understanding organismal adaptation but also as a framework for exploring mechanisms mediating evolutionary phenomena. Here, we have identified four important research topics that will advance the field of urban ecology and shed light on the proximate and ultimate causes of the phenotypic differences commonly seen among species and populations that vary in their responses to urbanization. First, we address the ecological and socio-economic factors that characterize cities, how they might interact with each other, and how they affect urban species. Second, we ask which are the proximate mechanisms underlying the emergence over time of novel traits in urban organisms, focusing on developmental effects. Third, we emphasize the importance of understanding the ultimate causations that link phenotypic shifts to function. This question highlights the need to quantify the strength and direction of selection that urban individuals are exposed to, and whether the phenotypic shifts associated with life in the city are adaptive. Lastly, we stress the need to translate how individual-level responses scale up to population dynamics. Understanding the mechanistic underpinnings of variation among populations and species in their responses to urbanization will unravel species resilience to environmental perturbation, which will facilitate predictive models for sustainability and development of green cities that maintain or even increase urban biodiversity and wildlife health and wellbeing.
  • 机译 线粒体功能障碍和感染在果蝇中产生免疫力-生殖力权衡。
    摘要:Physiological responses to short-term environmental stressors, such as infection, can have long-term consequences for fitness, particularly if the responses are inappropriate or nutrient resources are limited. Genetic variation affecting energy acquisition, storage, and usage can limit cellular energy availability and may influence resource-allocation tradeoffs even when environmental nutrients are plentiful. Here, we utilized Drosophila mitochondrial–nuclear genotypes to test whether disrupted mitochondrial function interferes with nutrient-sensing pathways, and whether this disruption has consequences for tradeoffs between immunity and fecundity. We found that an energetically-compromised genotype was relatively resistant to rapamycin—a drug that targets nutrient-sensing pathways and mimics resource limitation. Dietary resource limitation decreased survival of energetically-compromised flies. Furthermore, survival of infection with a natural pathogen was decreased in this genotype, and females of this genotype experienced immunity–fecundity tradeoffs that were not evident in genotypic controls with normal energy metabolism. Together, these results suggest that this genotype may have little excess energetic capacity and fewer cellular nutrients, even when environmental nutrients are not limiting. Genetic variation in energy metabolism may therefore act to limit the resources available for allocation to life-history traits in ways that generate tradeoffs even when environmental resources are not limiting.
  • 机译 城市环境对早期氧化应激的影响:交叉培养实验的启示
    摘要:As urban areas expand rapidly worldwide, wildlife is exposed to a wide range of novel environmental stressors, such as increased air pollution and artificial light at night. Birds in highly polluted and/or urbanized habitats have been found to have increased antioxidant protection, which is likely important to avoid accumulation of oxidative damage, which can have negative fitness consequences. Yet, the current knowledge about the ontogeny of antioxidant protection in urban areas is limited; i.e., is the capacity to up-regulate the antioxidant defences already established during pre-natal development, or does it manifest itself during post-natal development? We cross-fostered great tit (Parus major) nestlings within and between urban and rural habitats, to determine if oxidative stress (measured as non-enzymatic total antioxidant capacity, superoxide dismutase (SOD), and plasma lipid peroxidation) is affected by habitat of origin and/or by habitat of rearing. The results demonstrate that being reared in the urban environment triggers an increase in SOD (an intracellular, enzymatic antioxidant) independent of natal habitat. Oxidative damage increased with hatching date in urban-reared nestlings, but there was little seasonal change in rural-reared nestlings. Total antioxidant capacity was neither affected by habitat of rearing or habitat of origin, but we observed a decline with hatching date in both rearing habitats. Taken together, our results support the growing evidence that the urban environment induces a direct plastic adjustment in antioxidant protection, but that up-regulation is not sufficient to avoid increased oxidative damage in late-hatched broods. Future studies should explore the underlying causes for this effect in late-hatched broods and whether it has any negative long-term implications, both at the individual- and the population level.


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