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Exploring Wellbeing and Creativity Through Collaborative Composition as Part of Hull 2017 City of Culture




Several studies have highlighted the positive effects of group music-making and have suggested that it may be the creative and social aspects of such activities, which have a positive effect on participants’ wellbeing. Collaborative composition offers strong examples of both aspects as participants work together to create new material. However, although it seems likely that participants’ influence over and ownership of the creative material contributes to these positive effects, studies have yet to examine these elements in detail. Through analysis of video observations, pre- and post-project interviews, video recall interviews, and questionnaires, this article aims to: (1) evaluate the impact of participation in collaborative composition workshops on the subjective and psychological wellbeing of older adults and (2) identify skills and approaches employed by the composer-facilitators in order to understand more fully the approach and skills employed to engage participants effectively in the creative process. This second aim is of particular interest given the current movement toward social prescribing and arts and health interventions in the UK. Analysis revealed that all dimensions of the PERMA framework for subjective and psychological wellbeing were present in this collaborative composition project. The specific nature of collaborative composition is considered in comparison with other forms of group musical engagement. For older adults, collaborative composition has much to offer as an activity encouraging social interaction with others with shared interests, increasing positive affect, and enhancing self-esteem. Analysis of workshop videos and interviews with composers identified various facilitation skills employed by the composers to establish safe creative space and to encourage participants to engage in the process of collaborative composition.
机译:多项研究强调了集体音乐创作的积极作用,并暗示可能是此类活动的创意和社会方面,对参与者的福祉具有积极影响。参与者共同努力创建新材料时,协作构图在这两个方面都提供了很好的例子。但是,尽管参与者似乎对创意材料的影响和所有权可能有助于产生这些积极效果,但研究尚未详细研究这些要素。通过对视频观察,项目前和项目后访谈,视频召回访谈和问卷调查的分析,本文旨在:(1)评估参加协作作习班对老年人的主观和心理健康的影响,以及(2) )确定作曲者促进者使用的技能和方法,以便更全面地理解使参与者有效参与创作过程的方法和技能。鉴于英国目前正在朝着社会处方,艺术和健康干预的方向发展,因此第二个目标特别受关注。分析表明,该协作构想项目中存在着PERMA主观和心理健康框架的所有方面。与其他形式的团体音乐参与相比,合作作曲的特定性质得以考虑。对于老年人来说,协作作乐可以作为鼓励与具有共同利益的他人进行社交互动,增加积极影响并增强自尊的一项活动。通过分析讲习班的录像和与作曲家的访谈,他们确定了作曲家用来建立安全的创作空间并鼓励参与者参与协作创作过程的各种促进技巧。



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