首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Frontiers in Psychology >A Study of Theory of Mind in Paranoid Schizophrenia: A Theory or Many Theories?

A Study of Theory of Mind in Paranoid Schizophrenia: A Theory or Many Theories?




Social cognitive psychologists (Frith, ; Hardy-Baylé et al., ) sought to explain the social problems and clarify the clinical picture of schizophrenia by proposing a model that relates many of the symptoms to a problem of metarepresentation, i.e., theory of mind (ToM). Given the differences in clinical samples and results between studies, and considering the wide range of what is considered to constitute ToM, one must ask if there a core function, or is ToM multifaceted with dissociable facets? If, there are dissociable dimensions or facets, which are affected in patients with paranoid schizophrenia? To answer these questions, a group of 21 individuals diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and 29 non-clinical control subjects, were tested on a battery of five different measures of ToM. The results confirmed that there was little difference in specificity of three of the tests in distinguishing between the clinical and non-clinical group, but there were important differences in the shared variance between the tests. Further analyses hint at two dimensions although a single factor with the same variance and the same contributing weights in both groups could explain the results. The deficits related to the attribution of cognitive and affective states to others inferred from available verbal and non-verbal information. Further analyses revealed that incorrect attributions of mental states including the attribution of threatening intentions to others, non-interpretative responses and incomplete answers, depending on the test of ToM.
机译:社会认知心理学家(Frith,;Hardy-Bayléet al。,)试图通过提出一种将许多症状与元表征问题联系起来的模型(即心智理论)来解释社会问题并阐明精神分裂症的临床情况。 ToM)。鉴于研究之间临床样品和结果的差异,并考虑到构成ToM的范围广泛,因此必须询问是否存在核心功能,或者ToM是否具有可分离的多个方面?偏执型精神分裂症患者是否存在可分离的尺寸或刻面?为了回答这些问题,对一组21位被诊断为偏执型精神分裂症的人和29位非临床对照受试者进行了一系列五种不同的ToM测量。结果证实,在区分临床组和非临床组中,三种测试的特异性差异不大,但测试之间的共享方差却存在重要差异。进一步的分析暗示了两个维度,尽管两组中具有相同方差和相同权重的单个因素可以解释结果。从可用的言语和非言语信息推断出与认知状态和情感状态对他人的归属有关的缺陷。进一步的分析表明,取决于ToM的测试,精神状态的不正确归因包括威胁性意图对他人的归因,非解释性反应和不完整答案。



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